Monday, December 31, 2007

Two years...

Happy Anniversary, Mommy and Daddy!

Two years ago today, my mom and dad got married. To each other. Three months later they found out about me. Surprise! Of course, I think I'm the best thing to happen to them in these two years. Okay, ew, that's gross. Let's move on.

On a completely different note, I got a shot today. It hurt pretty badly and I let Mommy know it. Since Daddy is still on vacation (and Mommy can't drive because of her knee), he got to come along to the doctor's office. I wanted him to hold me instead of my Mom after the shot. He made me feel all better.

Mommy and Daddy got a babysitter so they could go to lunch and the mall for a little while on their own. They had an awesome time including a very romantic lunch of Chick-fil-a in the food court at Carolina Place Mall. Daddy opened all the doors for Mommy and they held hands and laughed like crazy. Now, they do all these things normally (the laughing and fun stuff) but it was even more special today. Mommy is getting all misty just thinking about her day. Daddy makes her feel so special. But now that you're all getting grossed out, I'll just leave it at this: it was a great anniversary day.

Okay, well, I gotta eat some grub, play, and then go to bed. It's been a tiresome day. I love you, Easter Bunny (everybody)!

love, tj-i'm-too-young-to-ring-in-the-new-year budic


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ohio cold...wasn't so cold!

Yesterday, the Budic family drove home to Charlotte. It was the easiest drive we've had yet. I was very good and only whined for about an hour and a half total. I slept a good 2 hours and watched Bob The Builder and Transformers on my new DVD player. It was awesome!

When we pulled in the driveway, the first thing my Mommy and Daddy noticed was the temperature (66 degrees) and the BRIGHT, GREEN grass growing in our yard. I guess it rained the entire time we were in Ohio...and has helped the drough issue a ton! I can't wait to roll around in that grass! It looks so soft!!!

One of the topics of conversation that my parents had during the drive home was the temperature in Ohio. They had been dreading the cold so much...but realized it wasn't at all as bad as they thought it'd be. That's a few points for Ohio and may shave a year off of staying in Charlotte. Hehehehe.

Today is going to be a great day. We are going to put my toys together and just play with all my new stuff all day. This house has become a PALACE of toys. Even the bathtub is full of fun! I can't wait to get naked and play! : )

I miss everyone terribly...but I'll see you very soon. Love you!!! TJ the Toy Maker


Thursday, December 27, 2007

He missed us!!!

Mommy and I were without Daddy for about 6 days…ew…Mommy and I flew in early for surgery and Daddy had work to do and couldn’t come with us right away. I missed my Daddy so much before he came here. Gosh, I just didn’t know what to do without him. Either did Mommy. I think he kinda missed us too because he drove through the night to get to us earlier than planned. Isn’t that awesome? He is so wonderful!

I love you, Daddy! I love you!


I’m baaaaaack!

Mommy had her surgery on the 17th and it went really well. Dr. Parker at the Cleveland Clinic is amazing! He’s done all 4 of Mommy’s surgeries and she trusts him completely. He’s such an awesome man too. Mommy and Daddy actually considered Parker as a name for me…that says a lot about the guy, eh? And no, he does not have red hair. Hahaha.

Mommy was on crutches for 10 days and today she went without them completely. She is so happy about that. Originally, Dr. Parker said it’d be about 4 weeks before she could walk without crutches, but he didn’t have to do the microfracture part of the surgery like he thought he might…so her recovery time is much quicker. Yippee for that! She can get on the floor and play with me again finally. I missed that!

Thank goodness for my Grammie and my Daddy who took awesome care of me and of Mommy while she was healing up in Berea. Mommy has had great help everywhere she’s gone! Grandpa helped her put her shoes on and chased me around the house and tickled me, Grandma made me dinner and watched over me, Auntie Melissa let me slap her in the face a bunch of times and played tons with me too. Uncle Bill made sure I got some toys instead of all clothes for Christmas and he carried me around too. My Uncle Paul and Aunt Carey had fun with me too so my Mommy could take naps here and there while she healed. My Poppy took me for winter walks a few times. I got all bundled up and we walked to Dick’s Bakery for cookies. And my Uncle Ben came to see me a lot which meant the world to me! He even skipped class (shhhh!) to come visit me. I went to his basketball game at Rocky River (he’s a coach!) and he was proud to have me there. I loved all that!

Well, I’m still in Ohio for a few more hours until we make the 8 hour drive back home to Charlotte. I have loved every minute of my vacation here. Seriously, I have been a very, very good boy.


Walkin’ Like a Man

On December 22nd, Daddy took me to the Budic Family Christmas Party while Mommy went to my Aunt Carey’s Wedding Shower. Mommy missed being at the party with us, but heard all about it from Daddy. Boy, did we have a great time! I played like a champ, smiled at everyone and took my first real series of steps in front of EVERYONE! I am officially a walker. How cool is that? Since then, I’ve really taken off. I’m not solely walking because crawling is much faster, but I’m going, going, going!

Mommy went to my Aunt’s Wedding Shower and had a great time too. She can’t believe her little sister is getting married but she really likes Paul so it’d definitely a good thing. I like my Uncle Paul too. He plays with me and says “give me 5” and I do it. He’s fun.


So this is Christmas!

Christmas Day was so cool! In the morning, I opened tons of presents from my Grammie and Poppy, Aunt Carey and Uncle Ben, and my Greats too. I tore up tissue paper like a champ and helped other people open their gifts too. I liked climbing on the big boxes the best. After brunch, we drove to my Grandma and Grandpa’s house where we ate more food, opened tons more awesome prizes, and played too. Lisa played a lot with me, and I think she’s pretty. Auntie Melissa and Uncle Bill, Uncle Michael, Auntie Marcia were there too and they bought me fun things to take home to Charlotte. Everyone was so generous to me!!!

After that, we drove to my Nonny Ice Cream’s house (I call her Nonny Ice Cream because she gives me ice cream whenever I see her) and opened stockings and had a few more gifts to exchange. What a full day! I had a hard time going to bed after that. There was so much excitement, I just got a little overly worn out.

I can’t believe I had Christmas last year too. I don’t remember it … I think I slept and cried a lot. I missed out on a lot last year by just sleeping. Wow! I promise never to miss it again.


I’m nice! I’m nice!

I’m already on Santa’s Nice List for next year. I have been so good this whole trip! Lots of friends and family members have held me, played with me, kissed and hugged me, fed me and pinched my cheeks and my attitude has been pretty darn good throughout it all. I just love everybody and hope everyone knows how much I love them!

I miss you Grammie and Poppy! I miss you Grandma and Grandpa! I miss you Aunties and Uncles. I miss you Easter Bunny!!!


Friday, December 14, 2007


Hi Everyone in my life!!!
I will be unable to write any more blogs for the next few days...until the 20th or so. I must take a few days off to take care of my Mommy. She's having knee surgery (her 4th and FINAL), so I have to make sure I'm by her side whenever she needs me. Please say a little prayer for her on Monday!
Love, Dr. TJ


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I found it! I found it! I found my left nostril! I love my left nostril and I have named him Roger. Roger the left nostril. I like to stick my finger in my nose and when I do...I get this bright, happy look on my face as if to say 'I FOUND IT!'

Love, TJ


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

C'mon Daddy, be a man!

Mommy made Daddy and me ravioli for lunch today. For our vegetable, she sliced up some zucchini and cooked it with some butter. Mmmm. I really liked mine and ate it up! When Daddy came downstairs and saw his beautiful plate of pasta, he said "oooh!". Until....he saw the zucchini off to the side. At that point, he made a funny face and said "what is THAT!?"

Mommy "made" Daddy try it. He actually gagged and had a very hard time swallowing the vegetable. After 2 bites of it, he asked if the nutrition contents were the same if he swallowed it whole instead of chewing. Mommy said "forget it" and she ate it instead. Dad, seriously, be a man and eat your veggies!!! Grandma: Did Daddy always have such a hard time eating his vegetables?

That's all the poking fun at Daddy that I'll do today. He is the best example for me in every other way and Mommy is proud of him for that. We're going running as a family again today. It may be our last family run for a few months. Mommy and I are leaving on Thursday for Cleveland. After Mommy gets home from the hospital, she'll be on crutches for 4 weeks. She's excited (enter sarcasm here) to take care of me while on crutches. At least she'll have her Mommy while we're in Cleveland for awhile.

Well, more to write later. Love you! TJ


Monday, December 10, 2007

Laughing TJ Video


Nativity Scene

Hi! I have my very own nativity scene. Ain't it cute? Just like me. I like to play with the little Veggie Tale guys all day long. The little angel/star on top plays music and I press the button a million times a day and Mommy still hasn't taken it away from me. She's nice. I'm sure it gets annoying, but how can you take something away from your little boy that sings about Jesus? You just can't. You don't want to upset the Big Guy. Hehehe.

Lately, I've been carrying my sippy cup around with me everywhere. I sip on it every once in awhile like a big boy...I sit myself up straight and use great posture. But now that I drink gallons of water each day in addition to my milkies, it makes me have to pee more. So, I have a little story for you.

Mommy was giving me a bath the night before Daddy came home so I would smell especially good when he hugged me. I splashed her a lot, and got water in my own face, and then stood up because I wanted to get out. When she got me out of the water, she put me against herself and then wrapped me in my towel. As we were walking to my bedroom, I just couldn't hold it anymore and I just let it all out. Mommy shreiked a little at first when she realized what was happening, but then she just stood there and closed her eyes and sighed. It had been a long few days without Daddy and this just topped it off for her. So, she stuck me back in the tub and rinsed me off. I got dressed and lotioned up...and then we went into her room so she could clean up. My warm pee got cold realllly fast. Eew. I ruined her sweater. Oopsie. She knows I didn't mean it though.

Tomorrow, I'll tell you about my golf clubs! Okay, well, I gotta go back to sleep now. Love, TJ


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Bragging Rights

I truly hate to do this to those of you reading this in Cleveland, Chicago, Colorado Springs or any other cold, cold place on Earth. Here in Charlotte, it is currently 69 degrees...quite warm. The weather thingy on our computer says that it will be 78, 76, and 77 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. Not bad. Not bad at all. Enough about the weather, let's get to the good stuff...

My Daddy and Uncle Bill had a conversation about flying monkeys last week. (Don't ask) Well, I have become a monkey myself. I don't fly, but OH do I climb! Yesterday, Mommy and I were playing in our living room when she needed to run upstairs to get something. She was only gone for a second...but I saw that as my opportunity for greatness. The minute she disappeared, I scrambled over to my toy bin (which is really a large foot rest with a comfy cover on it) by the window. It wasn't open, so I climbed on top of it and proceeded to grab the curtain holder-backer (what the heck are those things called?) and dangled from it until Mommy came down...4 seconds later. When she didn't see my where I had been a second earlier, she freaked inside and then she saw me. Hanging from the curtains. Instead of gasping, she held in her fright ... afraid that startling me would make me let go and fall on the floor. Instead, she charged in slow motion toward me and lifted me off the curtain holder-backer thing.

Yes, I had achieved greatness. However, I got in big trouble. I got the finger pointed at me, a little "no, TJ, that's baaaad" and then we were done with it. When the scolding was over, Mommy put me down on the floor again and what was the first thing I did? I went right for the curtains again. Needless to say, the toy bin is no longer under the window. My Mommy ain't no fun.

I had fun being a monkey for a moment though!

Love, TJ ooo ooo ahhh ahhh ahhh!


Friday, December 7, 2007

Best Ever

Tonight was the best nite-nite bedtime ever. I was pretty tired from a long day of playing and crawling around with Mommy. I didn't take my morning nap and didn't take much of one in the afternoon either. So, when my bedtime rolled around, I was ready.

Mommy took me upstairs and I drank my milk like a good boy. When she stood up from the chair and walked toward the crib, I whimpered. I just didn't want to be in my crib alone yet. And Mommy didn't want to let me go yet either. (We both miss Daddy very much) So, she stood there in front of the crib with me. I put my head on her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her neck. I played with her hair gently while I said "mama mama mama" over and over. Until I fell asleep. It was the best night ever for me. And for Mommy. I think she'll remember this night forever. My little breath tickled her neck as I whispered "mama" and it soothed me too.

I have much more to say about the day, but I'm just so tired I'm going to have to write about them tomorrow.

Love, Sweetest Little Fella


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tic Tac anyone?

My Mommy is the BEST! She bought me a pack of Tic Tacs today at the store and I have been carrying them around all day. I crawl with them, shake them, throw them, hide them, find them, and laugh at them. They're not opened - so don't worry. Mommy even put tape around the part you're supposed to open. But why would I want to do that? It'd ruin all the fun!

I can't believe that it's snowing in Ohio. Today, it was 61 degrees here in Charlotte, and the breeze felt so good. Yesterday I had to wear a hat during our walk because it was so windy and Mommy didn't want my little ears to get cold. But no hats next week! It's gonna be 71 degrees for four days in a row. Yippee! I am definitely looking forward to seeing snow when we go to Ohio though. Maybe I can go for a sled ride or make a snowball. Hey, I might even be able to catch a snowflake on my tongue. Mmmm.

Our garage smells like poopy diapers. We can't wait for garbage day!!!!!!

Love, Stinky TJ


Monday, December 3, 2007


My Mom started working in the church nursery for "crawlers" on Sunday. I ignored her almost the entire time...until I noticed other kids climbing on her. When she started reading to a little boy named Jeremy, I lost it. I scampered over to her (love that word), and shoved Jeremy out of the way to sit in her lap. She laughed and made me share her lap with Jeremy. Boo. I did make a new friend though.

I'm sad because my Mommy had to throw out a few of my toys yesterday. She found 3 toys I have on the lead recall list and she went right for my toys and tossed them in the trash. It made her sick because she loved those toys as much as I did, but she wants me to be safe. I can't blame her!

We made our Christmas card yesterday...yippee! I look so cute! Just wait til you see it. Mommy and Daddy are not posting any of the pictures we took so that it's a total surprise when you see them! Let's just say that these pics top last year's card for sure!

Love, TJ the Baby Model


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Life is Tough

Now, I can't really complain about my life. I can pee and poop anywhere, anytime. I eat and drink whenever I want and gaining weight is good!!! I play all day long and have parents who dress me, play with me, change me, feed me, take pictures of me, take pictures of me, and take pictures of me.

However, I can complain about the fact that it doesnt exactly feel like Christmas when it's 65 degrees and sunny outside! We went to Wal-Mart today and got some groceries and Christmas stuff. We walked by people buying Christmas trees and playing Christmas Carols like crazy. There were twinkly lights up and tons of shoppers...and even the bell-ringing Salvation Army guy. BUT, it still didn't feel like Christmas at all. Mommy and Daddy and I spent a lot of time outside today in the backyard. It was just too beautiful to stay inside!

Daddy beat Mommy pretty badly today. I guess I should clarify. Daddy beat Mommy at SOCCER badly today. The score was 7-1. They were playing to 10 but Mommy quit early. Daddy was kicking the ball too hard and Mommy was scared of getting bashed in the face. Can ya blame her? Have you ever seen my Daddy when he's competitive (all the time)? He gets a little intense.

Go SOONERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, TJ


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