Friday, May 27, 2011

Thank you, PreSchool...I'm OUT!

Our big boy has officially completed his first year of preschool. They had a nice little picnic (held indoors due to the weather - go figure) and even passed out certificates and awards. What was TJ's award, you ask? When other kids got awards for coming out of their shell, for having great manners all the time, and for being smiley...TJ was honored with "Most Energetic". I had to laugh out loud because it fit so well. I knew Daddy would be proud to hear it - and he erupted into laughter when I told him. I'm glad TJ is the same kid at school as he is at home. And energetic is one way to describe that!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


TJ asked me what "stubborn" meant tonight. After thinking about it for a minute, I said "not changing your mind". He looked at me and said, "I'm stubborn about you." When I asked him what he meant by that, he said "I'll never take my mind off loving you"! Oh my gosh. He was so serious and so sweet! 


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