1st Grade!
I can't even begin to write about how AWESOME first grade has been for TJ this year...and we're only on day 4! TJ is absolutely loving school and has so much to tell us each day that he comes home...and throughout dinner...and after dinner...and at bedtime too. And then we have to do a countdown in the morning until it's time to walk to school. It's incredible to have him be this excited and makes me so much less sad while he's away. (I said "less sad" people. This is super hard adjustment for me - again. But it's amazing how it's easier when he's so happy!)
Here are a few pics we took last week and then today...
Heading to a birthday party last week... (TJ picked out his outfit).
First day of first grade with Daddy!
And Mommy too! Today, at Meet the Teacher Night, she called all the kids to the carpet and said that little brothers and sisters were welcome to join the kids on the floor. TJ pointed to my belly from across the room and "motioned him over" with this goofy excited look on his face. It was awesome.
I'll never forget that!)
I saw this in his notebook today. And loved it. Had to share!
On his second day, they filled out this sheet. I asked him who the 6 people in our family included. He said, while counting on his fingers one by one, "Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Bondi and Poppy..." Of course! My favorite part is the picture he drew of what he wants to be when he grows up. Basically, he wants to be Dad. Is that a dream come true or what? Notice the bluetooth headset on his head. : )
Little Man at his locker. Hooray for school!