Monkeys and Turkeys
It looks sort of luau-ish but it wasn't meant to be. It's just fun decorations for my 3rd birthday party!!! We had our very immediate family there and it was a packed house! At first, it was hard for me to understand that everyone was there to celebrate ME! But I got it after awhile. I took my time with each gift and even loved up each card. Wow - I had lots to open...and I can't even think of naming everything I got. I'll just say that I have a lot of new things to play with and wear. My parents are thrilled that we have so many new things to do during the day. THANK YOU!
See my focus in opening prizes!?! "Thank you everybody!" was my quote of the day.
Mommy and CC made monkey cupcakes for me...and they turned out pretty good. Oo oo ah ah!
Happy little family of 3...including a boy who is now 3 himself!!!
"I love you Cleveland!" You should hear my tap-tap-tap 1,2,3,4 ...before I hit the drums.
Mommy and Daddy are truly freaking out about how I'm changing so quickly. I've said "gah-bidge" since I learned how to talk...but I correct myself almost every time I say it now. "Can I take the gah-bidge out, Mom? I mean, uhhh, let me try it...garrrr-bage." Ugh, Mommy's heart crumbles when I say it right. She likes my little accent.
I got to have Thanksgiving at Bondi's and Poppy's as well as Grandma's and Grandpa's! We ate tons of turkey, sweet potatoes and desserts! Actually, I didn't eat much at all. I had a fever for 2 days and haven't felt like myself for a few more than that. Everyone worries about me - and they take care of me like I'm priceless. I am.
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!!!