The Inquiry
It is truly both amazing and hilarious to me the questions that TJ has been asking lately. It makes me so curious as to the way he thinks and I wish I could get into his little head sometimes.
This afternoon when I said I needed to dry my hair before we played a game, he asked me if it was hard to brush my hair and dry it at the same time. He suggested I practice. Nice! : ) At the castle playground yesterday, TJ asked "who made God"? And then started to answer his own question by saying, "Oh I know, Jesus made God. No wait, God made Jesus. But who made God?" I was impressed with his answer and told him so. I asked him who told him that and he said, "Daddy did." Whoa - the girl next to us at the swings was jealous and said so. Daddy got even sexier when TJ answered that way.
I had to admit I didn't know the answer to the rest of TJ's question. I told him I didn't know who made God. That he just was. Any help on this one, people?
Last week, Tim told me T asked him other cute and funny things while I was, "why does God have all the power? what does God make? what do people make?" And then we've both been asked things like "why do fish not have belly buttons?" and "why don't all people have driveways?" today he wanted to know what a brain looks like. he laughed when i told him and said "ew, that's in my head? what i think with? ew."
On a side note, he's been starting to sleep through the night lately. 3 nights in a row without crying out!!! Does tremendous things for my energy level throughout the days. Seriously - he needs to keep this up.
Tim and I just look at him in wonder sometimes. He is so hilarious, so smart and SO stubborn! I cannot believe how quickly he is growing up and it makes me sick. We are so crazy about that kid! So crazy...I want another!
So awesome to hear him be curious about life! :-)
I would answer his question by saying that there are some things that we just don't understand, like God's eternal existence. We can't possibly understand how nobody created God...He has just been around forever. I am just amazed at how incomprehensible it is. That's my favorite Bible passage (Psalm 139), "[God's] knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain." That's why God is the creator and we are His creation.
Love reading your updates! It's fun knowing that Jen and I are gonna be in the same situation pretty soon too! :-)
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