11months young
Drew is on day 3 of being 11 months young and I am trying to blog from my phone for the first time. Maybe this will allow me to blog more often even though they will be shorter!
Anyhow, Drew is almost 18 lbs, small for his age and in the 2percentile for height. Not much we can do about that but we've been trying to fatten him up for the past, oh, 11 months. He has never been a good eater or packer-on of pounds even from the minute he was born. So, we're doing our very best. He loves his pancakes!!!
Meat-rack is very vocal and loud but sweetly whispers "TJ" a lot more often now. His very favorite is yelling, "DADADADA" or shouting to let people know he is present. He likes to step on everything. And push his walker or books, cars, toys to the couch and stand on then to climb up. He LOVES to see me pull out his shoes! He shrieks and kicks and tenses up excitedly because he knows that means he gets to walk outside and go up and down the driveway with his shopping cart. And pull weeds and put mulch on his head!
He and TJ will lay on their backs together and hold hands and Drew will suck his thumb...for minutes at a time. It's so cute! This is the longest he's been will in to relax or "admit" he's slowing down and taking a break.
TJ has started football practices and I remember his first day like it was yesterday. How he's grown!!! He has some confidence and knowledge and boy is he tough! He's fast too and really enjoys it. That's the best part...seeing him working and playing on the field, then turning to look at us with a giant smile!
2nd grade is less than a week away. I am in shock. Summer is over and while it was chaotic and fun and wonderful, it was also nothing like I had planned. Hardly any days at the pool...but we made up for it in playgrounds, ice cream, parks and Lakeside, and Legos! We did a lot with friends and had some time just T and me too. When Drew napped, we did all we could with little toys and tough stuff.
It took until about a week ago for TJ to be ready for school. He's there. I'm not. 6 days til I write a sobbing blog. Ya might wanna skip that one.