Little Drummer Boy
Turn up the volume for this one, guys. I am sweet!
It's hard to believe that Christmas is already nearly here! I went to a parade with Bondi and Poppy two weeks ago (yeah, that's how far behind I am in my blogs) and saw fireworks! The people actually shot fireworks out of tubes on the top of a building. It was " a little bit scary " as I describe it, but fun nonetheless. They had merry-go-rounds and ferris wheels and cookies and cocoa. All for free from the city. Pretty cool, huh! It was brrrr coldy! And when I came home, my cheeks stayed red for awhile. I looked like a little toy soldier.
Since then, I've been to a Christmas party at Uncle Michael and Auntie B's where I ate tons of cookies (most of which I thought I was sneaking...but Mommy really did see me do it). I also played with a race track in their basement. Everyone was very patient with me and Mommy appreciated that so much. Grandpa and I raced those cars down the track for nearly 2 hours. Wow! Then I got some super cool prizes! A Transformer, cool ABC and Doggie Domino games (which we play everyday) and color/craft books too. It was so fun.
I'll tell you what wasn't fun though. Worrying about Daddy in the snowstorm. He went down to Charlotte to close on our house and was supposed to be back by 7pm on Friday evening. The 7.5 hour trip turned into a 30-hour mess! Virginia was hit by a massive snowstorm and Daddy was stuck on the highway for about 9 hours without moving. The road was like a big parking lot. A freezing, snowy, lonely parking lot. At 2am when the cars started moving, they were allowed off an exit ramp where most people parked at Walmart. Unfortunately it wasn't a 24hr Walmart and Daddy was wet and freezing from having to dig his car out of the snow banks several times after spinning off the road. Of course, Mommy was a nervous wreck and actually didn't let me see it at all. When Daddy finally got home the next day, we were relieved more than words can say. Poor, poor Daddy.
But now he's on vacation and I get him all to myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, TJ
p.s. Tonight, Mommy was telling me a story to make me fall asleep. I requested a story about Chalk the Boat (don't ask). Well, she said Chalk the Boat gave Sammy Race Car a 'high-five' and groggily, I laughed for a second. Then I said, "But mom, Chalk the Boat would have to do a high-five with his mouth since he doesn't have any hands!" Wow - I was right. I'm a good thinker.
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