Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nicknames, Compliments and Oldness

TJ is all about nicknames lately. He comes up with a nickname for everything and everyone. For instance, "Mom - Dark Vader's nickname is Dark Vade. Mom - your nickname is, uh, hmmm, I don't know. Maybe, Mmm for Mom." I especially like that one.

Last night, TJ told me that when he grows up, he wants to be a fireman and marry me. He was sure to tell me that he would wear all his gear and hat...and pick me up in his fire truck. Of course, I melted.

TJ slept at my parents' house last night - Tim and I went to Halloweekends at Cedar Point. Holy cow, we hadn't been there in years and year and it made me realize how old I am. Why, you ask? Let me point out a few reasons:
       Number l.   I didn't get the memo to wear Ugg boots to an amusement park.     
       Number 2  If I had gotten the memo, I wouldn't have been able to wear them. The lack of support
                         would have screwed up my feet or my knees. See what I mean? I'm old.
       Number 3  I felt sick after each ride.
       Number 4  My back hurt after each ride.
       Number 5  I missed my kid. Badly. And can't wait to bring him there with us someday.

I guess getting old isn't so bad. It means I get to spend my time with more people!


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