Thursday, June 13, 2013

Just sittin' and talkin'

Today was another mild day in terms of temperature here...and after hitting up some garage sales with Bondi, eating donuts and spending time reading books like crazy under a sheet in TJ's room, we went for a bike ride...and ended up at the corner store. TJ loves to choose a few little candies there and sit on the front steps with me. I think I love it even more than he does.

So today, as he ate his Laffy Taffy he said, "Mom-o, when I'm old enough, I'm going to walk up here by myself or with a friend and get some candy. And then I'll call you from my phone that I'll be old enough to have and you can pick me up." It came across so precious to me and it warmed me up all over. Why? Because he's NOT that old yet. He's still my little tiny boy. And he's happy with that...and also looking forward to the future. As quickly or as slowly as it comes. My hope is for slowly. I love this time.

A few girls rode up on their bikes too as we were finishing up and one of them was in TJ's class this year. She and TJ were super happy to see each other and once they were inside, he told me he wanted to show her he lost his front tooth. I told him to go for it and that I'd wait outside. He wanted me to go with him but I gently encouraged him to do this one on his own. He did. I PRAYED this little girl would care that he lost his big front tooth and I watched his little neck through the glass as he walked over to her. I couldn't hear anything past the first few words but he DID get a reaction and then she wiggled her front tooth and they laughed. Another sentence or two and he was back out with me. It was awesome. He was all smiles when he came out and we rode our bikes home with a little plastic bag full of wrappers and mini tootsie rolls.


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