Elbow dimples & Tim McGraw
TJ went back to school today after a whole week off. There was the holiday, then a snow day followed by 3 days of the dreaded strep. Poor T. He's a trooper with his medicine though. I can't even smell the stuff without gagging but he happily takes it down - but not before asking for his "catcher". Whenever he has to take medicine I give him a "chaser" of something he likes like fruit snacks or something sweet and "desserty" (as TJ calls it). But he's recently begun calling it a "catcher" and I just love that. Ha!
So, I'm not gonna lie. I am sad today now that T's at school. I'm so very thankful to have Drew. There is just something completely wonderful and necessary about being needed. I love being needed. And I love being that person to my kids. But when TJ is away at school, part of me goes there with him and I just miss him. I'm so glad he went without any worries or tears today. He loves school -- once he gets there. He just doesn't like that it (and I quote) "wastes" his play time. I'm also thankful that Drew will stay a baby forever and will never need to go to school or leave me. Right? :)
I'm happy to report that Drew now has ELBOW DIMPLES! It took him awhile to achieve this, but we are finally there. I love those little dimples and his huge, chubby cheeks! He's actually starting to take naps now. When I rock him before nap or bed, he drinks his bottle while rubbing his chubby hands from the top of his fuzzy head to his cheeks and then landing them over his eyes. He just holds both hands over his eyes like he is so relaxed and so relieved to be eating and going to sleep. Most of the time he's a little bit awake when I put him in his special sleeper and he talks himself to sleep - first on my shoulder and then when he's down. Oh, it is so syrupy sweet.
On a completely different note, TJ and I were having a snack in the kitchen last week and I had Tim McGraw playing in the background. He asked who was singing and I went on and on about how much I love this singer. He asked if Tim McGraw was married and what his wife's name was - so I told him. Apparently I didn't say it very clearly (I probably had a mouthful of cereal) and he said, "Faith with a 'th'? Like, 'Have faith in the Lord'?" Oh. My. Gosh, What 1st grader uses a sentence like that for the word? Ha - he's awesome. So then, he asked me if Tim and Faith had any kids. I said I was pretty sure he had two girls. When I told him I didn't know their names, TJ said, "Oh, I guess you don't know him that well, do you?"
No, TJ. Unfortunately, I do not. ")