What a weekend!
What a weekend! Grandma and Grandpa came over this weekend and we ate pizza! They showed us their new car and I got Halloween prizes and candy. It was awesome. I gave them some of my latest artwork and we watched football on t.v. I rode my bike out front with Mommy until they got to our house...and when I got tired, we took a break to sing songs on the front porch. Just Mommy and me. It was fun. I showed Grandpa and Grandma my new room - WITHOUT my crib in it. Yep, it's been about a week now that I've been sleeping in my big boy bed. It is so very cool. I'm still not sleeping very well and wake up a few times in the night. Mommy and Daddy are hoping that I grow out of this stage soon...
After that, Mommy and Daddy took me to Mapleside. We went down a steep, steep hill and into the pumpkin patch. They each held one of my hands going down the hill and I kept saying "am I gonna fall? am I gonna fall?" We saw a cool hay maze and tractor ride but I just wanted to get a treat at the store. So, after exploring around and seeing the cool, huge huge horses, we climbed back up the hill. I raced Daddy. I was tired! We walked around in the cool shops and I picked out a donut treat. I was brave in the fun halloween room and I made sure I told everyone that!
Sunday was another busy day! We went to a fall fest and I got to run and play in the woods. Mommy followed me as I ran after "the boys" and was so surprised to see the amazing fort they had built! I imitated every single bigger kid there. Take a look at these pics!
After playing in the woods, we played games for halloween. I waited so very patiently for my turn at bobbing for apples. And I cheered "go Ben! go Ben!" when my little friend Ben was taking his turn. I did pretty well for a little guy. I did pretty well at trying to catch a donut on a string with my mouth too. I kept asking for more games, more games. I'm an entertaining kid - there were lots of people there but Mommy and Bondi and Poppy just watched me and my interactions with the other kids. Yep, they were entertained alright. Pretty soon we had to go home.
Mommy and I ate a special dinner at Wendy's after that then headed to night church. Mommy needed to work in the nursery and it was so crowded. I actually got to be in the pumpkin room to help Mommy this time. I knew it was a big deal. I played for awhile with the baby toys and was really interested in the little baby Mommy was holding. I commented about her little tiny hands and feet, then asked if I could sing her a song! I sang "rockabye baby". I liked that she smiled at me. Another little girl was standing by the door crying and each worker (including Mommy) was holding about two kids each. They tried to calm her down but it didn't work so I went over (without being asked or told) and said "don't cry, girl. your mommy will come soon. i will dry your tea
rs." Then I put my hands on her shoulders and looked her square in the face and said "want me to read you a book?" She didn't answer me but I ran over to get some books and sat down on the floor to read them out loud. Mommy was changing a diaper in the midst of all this and stopped to watch me. She's never been prouder! I was such a huge helper and wow, was I sweet!
Love, TJ the Helper