Sunday, April 15, 2012

TJ's Hulk in a Comic!!!

TJ has been in love with the library lately...and we go several times a week. Lately, he has been extremely interested in the human body systems and how things work on your insides. He has also been in love with Scooby Doo comics and super hero comics. He discovered some kids comic books at the library and we've brought several home over the past month or two. 

One day last month, he pointed out a page near the back of the comic that showed some drawings done by kids. I read on there that you can submit your drawing to be printed in an upcoming issue. TJ went right to work on a picture of Hulk and I said that I'd send it in. Well, I admit that the picture sat on the desk for about 2 weeks before I scanned it. But I did eventually get to it about 10 days ago. Yesterday, I received an email reply from the editor saying that TJ's drawing of Hulk was selected to be published in the May issue! So...May 9th, we'll be storming the stores for a few copies. We are SO EXCITED!

I'm not sure if I should post his drawing...or wait until it comes out so that I can show it in print. I think I'll wait....

Let me just say that this picture is very anatomically correct...especially in the chest/pectoral muscle area. 

Have a great day!



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