Chuck E Cheesus
I have been wanting to go to Chuck E Cheesus (yes, it rhymes with Jesus) since I was a little kid. And this past weekend, I got to go!!! Uncle Bill wanted to go for his birthday, and I got invited! : )
When we pulled into the parking lot, I freaked - in a good way. I saw all the flashing lights and excitement inside and could not wait to get inside. At first I was a little hesitant to chum up with Chuck on stage, but when I saw the real Chuck, I was cool with it. Gave him a few high-fives.We got right down to the game-playin' and that was just great with me! The coolest part was that I got to do any and all the games I wanted. We had cups of tokens and just put them in each machine, running from one thing to another. I think the roller coaster ride and air hockey were my favorites. Mommy thinks my expression on the American flag truck was the best though. It's so not my personality...maybe that's why.
We took a break for pizza then got back to winning tickets. My family gave me all the tickets they earned at the end and I got to pick out some prizes! Isn't that awesome? We fed the ticket-counting machine what we won and then walked over to choose prizes. I got a sweet Speedracer car and a soccer bracelet. I left like a man too. No tears, no whining. Just GOODNESS! My Mommy and Daddy were so proud of that! After Chuck E. Cheesus, we went to Grandma's and Grandpa's house for ice cream cake. What a fun day!Love, TJ
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