Friday, January 8, 2010

a little bit of this, a little bit of that

sometimes i watch maggie and the rocious beast, but mommy's not really into it. she doesn't even have anything to say about it, but wanted me to document that i say 'rocious' instead of 'ferocious'. she loves it, actually.

av (emphasis on the "a") is my new friend. whenever mommy asks me who i played with at church or things like that, my typical answer is "av". mom and dad aren't sure if i really do have a friend named "avery" or something similar - or if i've completely made it up. i'll never tell.

i also have a new pet named julie the hamster. i carry her around in a little bag and take care of her by saying, "it's okay. i'm here now. i'll take care of you - no more little (wittle) tears." i also had my bath tonight with my puppy pet and said the same things to him. the voice i use when 'consoling' is so freaking cute. mommy said 'you take such good care of your pets in the bathtub' and i said 'PET, mommy. i only have one in here.' HA! i'm already correcting my mom's use of the english language. nice.

mommy took me swimming after she ran the other day. it was so fun - i nearly had a happy meltdown in the kids area. i ran around and told all my teachers that i was going in the pool and then SHOUTED: thank you! thank you, mommy! thank you for taking me swimming. i'm so excited! geez, mommy was impressed with my speaking and then pumped that i tried going down the slide all by myself. i could only see her hand at the bottom of the pool because it was a tube slide. she could hear me at the top saying 'i don't know about this'. i say a lot of things that make her chuckle. 'i don't know about this'? what says that?

flumm is still a word i can't say. flumm, you know...not your finger but your flummm...

g'nite everybody!
love, tj


Amie January 12, 2010 at 9:09 AM  

we miss you TJ!!! Sounds like you are having lots of fun, though. Hope to see you and your mommy soon!

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