Monday, October 6, 2008

Musical Card

Thank goodness I still love my babyjogger. Mommy and I went for a run pretty early this morning. I had another weird night of sleeping and got up super early again. I sat back, held Eyya between my knees, and played with the card Grandma and Grandpa got us to celebrate our moving home. It's a musical card and I am in love with it. I like to especially take it in the car and now in the babyjogger. Mommy got to listen to "Celebrate good times...come on!" about 800 times during our 5 miles today. I think she's hoping the battery dies soon. Haha. : )

I saw a baby walking in the park when Mommy and I were finishing up our run. I yelled out "hi bebe!" to her. Mommy melted. She loves when I do things like that unprompted.

I forgot to tell you that I can say colors too.

Dooda = Dora (the Explorer)
Ping = Ping
Brown = Bon
Yellow = Yow-yo
Green = Geen
Orange = Odge
Purple = Poe-poe

Love, Little T


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