Yesterday, Mommy and I had some great bonding time up in the jungle gym treehouse at work. I wanted her to carry me up, but she had to crouch to get up there anyway so I settled for holding her hand. We sat at the top of the treehouse for 25 minutes. Just talking. I shared lots of things. Many things made sense...and others didn't. But it was good to share them anyway. Halfway through our hang-out time, I pointed to a huge three-sided shape on the roof and yelled "chai-angle". Mommy nearly fell out of the treehouse! I recognized a triangle and shouted it out proudly without being prompted! Mommy was thrilled and Daddy was too when she told him about it. Hey, I don't just watch the Noggin Channel...I actually learn from it. Hooray for Blue's Clues! :)

After work, Mommy took me to Subway. I haven't been eating well lately and Daddy said we should try some meatballs from a meatball sub. I talked about meatballs all the way to the sub shop...the whole time IN the sub shop, and all the way home. I ate 3 meatballs in 2 minutes flat and then had applesauce and other stuff. I did great! My Mom and Dad love how I put the emphasis on MEAT when I sad meat--ball. Yummy!
Today (Saturday) Daddy is in Chicago and I sure miss him. Since Mommy is afraid to push me in the babyjogger anymore (ouchie knee), she took me to the gym so she could run on a treadmill. She didn't think I'd let her leave me in the kid's I proved her wrong. She brought one of my favorite cars, some fruit snacks, my wa-wa with a splash of OJ, and her sunglasses. I was all set. When she started to leave, I admit I went a little crazy. My face matched my hair and I had huge tears running down my cheeks. Maaaa-maaaa! was about all I could get out of my mouth between the yelps and screams. She left me anyway, as hard as it was. She told the girls to come get her or text her if I cried very long. After a great long(ish) run, she creeped over to look in at me. What she saw made her literally cry in the middle of the weight room (where the window into the kid's zone is. There I was, sitting on a little chair and coloring with 5 other kids...wearing her big, brown sunglasses and a smile. She watched me for a few minutes before she ducked again and finished her workout. When she came in to get me, I gave her a huge hug around the knees but then I didn't want to leave. I did anyway - without a fuss. Boy was Mommy proud!
Next we went to get my haircut. We walked into Pigtails and Crew Cuts and wrote my name on the list. Since it was a 30 minute wait, the awesome people there said we could walk down to the toy shop and they'd call Mommy's phone. So that's what we did. I played nicely in the insanely cool Toys and Co. and explored every single toy they had in stock. I really wanted a bus and a shark but I didn't throw a tantrum or get angry when Mommy said we had to go. She was very surprised and happy about that. When we walked back into the hair place, I saw Nemo on the big screen and got so excited. Then I started to cry. I didn't want to get in the car chair or the firetruck chair. I just didn't feel like it. With a little persuasion, I did. I held tightly to a sucker but never put it in my mouth. I sobbed during the spray bottle part, the cutting part, the brushing off part, and the rest of it all. But in the midst of my crying, I said about every word in my vocabulary. My Mom thought if she could keep me talking, I'd be okay. I learned a new phrase this past week..."happy birthday" and Mommy kept asking me to say it. So while I was crying out with tears and snot swirled about my face, I repeated sadly, "happee birt-day. happee birt-day." It was so sweet and pathetic that all eyes were on us at that moment. It also may have been the fact that I was making a scene too. Anyhow, thank you to the wonderful people at Pigtails and Crew Cuts!
This afternoon after my nap, we're going to the park. What a day! Then my Bondi (what I call Grammie right now) and Poppy are coming tomorrow. I'm so excited to see them! Love, TJ