Thursday, February 19, 2009

Best Ever. Seriously.

I have a few very cool things to tell you today. They all happened over the past few days...

I have been whispering and talking softly to myself lately, and Mommy likes to listen in. The other day, I was counting my Legos and skipped 3 again...but did remember 8. Mommy asked me what I was doing and I said 'counting'. It sounded like the part in Lion King when little Simba says "pouncing" really cute. Aunt CC, I know you know what I'm talking about. (Mommy said.)

One of the songs Mommy sings to me is Jesus Loves Me. Then she tells me that He does love me and I smile but I don't understand that yet. Anyhow, I got up from my nap the other day and shouted "D-sus loves me!" Awwww. I also call the song "Bible-t" because I think that's the actual word. You know the lyrics...the Biblet ells me soooo. Get it?

I made Mommy sing about the wheels on the bus 40 times in the car yesterday on our way to the store. After we pulled into the driveway, I said "We home! I can't be-weive it!" Oh, Mommy said that might be her favorite. She says that phrase more than she thinks, apparently.

I was a stinky boy yesterday because my tummy has been funky (that's all the details I'm willing to give right now)...and Mommy asked me if I pooped again. I said "No Mommy. Maybe later." Boy, with the things I've been saying lately, she's gonna have to blog day and night to keep up!

Every time Mommy or Daddy go out the door (whether I'm going with them or waiting by the stairs), I say "Be careful! It slippery." or "Be careful, Daddy. It dangerous." I say dangerous perfectly well thanks to the weird Thomas Train movie I love. Seriously, this one actually has Alec Baldwin in it and it is a very strange movie.

Here's another great one that actually happened tonight. We were driving home from dropping something off at a friend's house. I was looking out the window at the snow and all the cars in traffic. Talking, talking, talking. After listening hard to what I was saying, it dawned on Mommy just what I was talking about - Blue's Clues. I was saying "I have fee (3) coos (clues). Handy dandy note-BOOK. Finkin' chair (thinking chair)" I said those three phrases about 30 times (NOT an exaggeration) and Mommy is still loving it. Isn't that so awesome? I love surprising Mommy with those nuggets of love.

Okay, I'm sure I'll have more for you soon. Love, TJ


Monday, February 16, 2009

Crafts and Paints

My Mommy and Daddy are absolutely crazy about me! Especially lately as I'm getting more talkative and more into fun, little boy things. Like painting, for instance. I love doing crafts and the other day when we were playing choo-choos, I looked at Mommy and said, "cafts, mommy. do cafts!" Mommy lit up and said OKAY! So we did some crafts. I like painting too. I used to use applesauce and do it at dinner. "Wook Doddy! Wook Mommy! I painting!" So, Mommy bought me some paints the other day. I haven't used my applesauce since.

Tonight Mommy went running before I went to bed and got home just in time for the nighttime festivities...or, bedtime routine. When she walked in the door, I ran around the corner and grabbed the gate. "Hey Momma! Had a good run? Come in!" Oh, it was wonderful. Then when she was putting me in to bed, I said "I had good day Mommy". Again, she gushed all over that sentence. Usually she asks me if I had a good day...but I turned the tables on her and told her that I did before she could even ask. I'm a thoughtful boy.

One of the crafts we made today was a super hero mask. Mommy and Daddy decided to try it on...and I thought you might like to see the pictures. I, on the other hand, would not wear it after we put the Cheerios on. We're still not sure why. I'm the one who picked the craft out of the book! One of life's mysteries, I guess...

Love, Teej


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Celery and Hide-n-Seek

How many 2-year olds love celery? I'm not sure...but I know of one kid, and that's me! I don't want to dip it in peanut butter or ranch dip or anything else. Nope, I like to gnaw on my celery plain. My Mommy and Daddy get the biggest laugh out of it.

I like to play hide-n-seek a lot and yesterday, Mommy and I were in the middle of a big game of it when I stopped playing suddenly. Mommy was hiding for several minutes and noticed I wasn't coming out of the corner to find her. She came over and said that I couldn't quit playing the game without telling her! : ) She asked me what I was doing and I said "I poopin'!" She said, "Oh cool! Want to go poopy on the potty?" To her astonishment I said yes! and ran upstairs. I sat my dimpled little butt on the potty and tried, but nothing came out. I looked down at my peepee and said "not workin! not workin' momma!" She nearly died laughing.

Well, I didn't want to try anymore yesterday, but today I wanted to go peepee on the potty twice. The first time my peepee was "not workin'", but before bed I wanted to try again. AND...I DID IT! I went a ton of peepee in the potty after waiting patiently for about 3 or 4 minutes. Mommy and Daddy praised me like crazy and I got THREE M&Ms!!! It was awesome. I clapped my hands like they did, then stood up and said "otay, diaper on!" Holy cow, could this be it? Maybe I will wear my Bob the Builder underwear soon! But maybe I'm teasing too. Who knows?

Keep reading and I guess we'll all find out together! Love, TJ


Monday, February 9, 2009

Little Logan Meek

I went to a baptism for my cousin (or second cousin?), Baby Wogan. He's real name is Logan but I like saying Baby Wogan more. Anyway, Mommy and Daddy and I went to be with Logan and his family for the special day.

I behaved pretty well, but I really liked being vocal in the big church. When we walked in, I said "fish tank! nemo!" and Auntie Marcia took me over to see it. But what it really was...was a glass case with figures from The Last Supper. I was a little disappointed, I admit. When everything started, I sat for a bit and watched Logan up in the front of the church. When he cried, I said "It's okay, Wogan!" or "Baby Wogan ky-ing" or "Hi!!!"

I also just talked in my loud voice...and wanted to "get down!" to run around. Auntie Wissa and Daddy chased me around afterward and I ran through all the pews for awhile. We got to go to Wogan's house and eat good food too! I mostly ate my Auntie's B's pizzelles and some cheese curls. Oh, and about 6 bites of Uncle Bill's cake! : ) Thanks, Uh Bill!

I didn't nap all day and didn't fall asleep on the way home until we were 500 feet from our house. Mommy carried me in and I slept on her for about 20 minutes. Needless to say, I was overtired and putting me to bed was a bear that night!!!

Here are some pictures of me with my balloon "ba-boon" bicycle that Grandma and Grandpa got me when they were out to dinner the other night. I didn't ride the bike, but had so much fun being crazy with it! : )

When Mommy and Daddy come in from running now, I totally acknowledge it. Mommy came in yesterday and sprawled out on the floor. I ran over to her and said "had a good run, mommy?" Oh gosh, it was priceless. I asked Daddy the same thing today about 12 times after his run. Geez, I know how to make their day, don't I!?! I'm the greatest, I know.

Love you guys! Love, Sugar Bean


Thursday, February 5, 2009

No more so!!!!

NO MORE SO! NO MORE SO! (That is Mommy speaking my language) I actually don't mind the snow. When I wake up in the morning, I call for Mommy or Daddy and then say "go dahn-sayers" because I just want to go downstairs and start playing. Mommy doesn't wake up nearly as quickly as I do. But she tries.

On my way down, I usually stop at the window on the landing and make a comment about the snow. Mommy yelled NO MORE SNOW this morning, and I repeated NO MORE SO. We'll see if that works.

We've been pretty shut in lately. We go out for quick trips to the Dollar Store or to the grocery store. We go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays for a Mommy group and things like that. But everything has been canceled lately. You know, you can only play trucks for so long. You can only do so many puzzles. You can only watch Cars and Thomas so many times. We're about to break here. Help us with the weather, please!!!!

I'm so funny to watch while I'm watching tv. It's pretty interactive because I talk to the characters and tell them to "watch out soobie doo" or "oh no bitdge, thomas". My faces are so cute too. I was talking to the Backyardigans today and naming them all. Uniqua is Meweeka, Tasha is Tasa, Pablo is Pabo, Tyrone is Tawone, and Austin is Aussin. I like them because they race in some episodes. I'm really diggin' running lately. Mommy and Daddy and I race around the house and around the table a lot. 9 times out of 10, I am the one who asks to do it. Same with hidey seek. Like today, I said "hidey seek, mommy! close eyes!" Then I run into a corner, squint my eyes shut and then sneak over to where I think my Mommy is hiding. Oh my goodness, cutest expressions ever.

We played at the kitchen sink for an hour today. I washed some of my cars, got water all over my belly, wiped the sink out 80 times and poured water from a pitcher to a bowl 900 times...which is about how many times Mommy said "keep the water in the sink, sugar bean".

Yesterday, Mommy and I cooked a special treat. We mixed together the following items: flour, water, macaroni, bread crumbs, pink icing, apple sauce, pickles, olives and ketchup. It was so fun. Oh yeah, I added tons of salt too. Isn't it pretty? We had a great time!

Okay, gotta go! Love, Chef TJ


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