Thursday, February 12, 2009

Celery and Hide-n-Seek

How many 2-year olds love celery? I'm not sure...but I know of one kid, and that's me! I don't want to dip it in peanut butter or ranch dip or anything else. Nope, I like to gnaw on my celery plain. My Mommy and Daddy get the biggest laugh out of it.

I like to play hide-n-seek a lot and yesterday, Mommy and I were in the middle of a big game of it when I stopped playing suddenly. Mommy was hiding for several minutes and noticed I wasn't coming out of the corner to find her. She came over and said that I couldn't quit playing the game without telling her! : ) She asked me what I was doing and I said "I poopin'!" She said, "Oh cool! Want to go poopy on the potty?" To her astonishment I said yes! and ran upstairs. I sat my dimpled little butt on the potty and tried, but nothing came out. I looked down at my peepee and said "not workin! not workin' momma!" She nearly died laughing.

Well, I didn't want to try anymore yesterday, but today I wanted to go peepee on the potty twice. The first time my peepee was "not workin'", but before bed I wanted to try again. AND...I DID IT! I went a ton of peepee in the potty after waiting patiently for about 3 or 4 minutes. Mommy and Daddy praised me like crazy and I got THREE M&Ms!!! It was awesome. I clapped my hands like they did, then stood up and said "otay, diaper on!" Holy cow, could this be it? Maybe I will wear my Bob the Builder underwear soon! But maybe I'm teasing too. Who knows?

Keep reading and I guess we'll all find out together! Love, TJ


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