I'm gonna say it again...so much has happened in the past week! I'm bad, bad, bad for not writing more. Sorry, fella!
Well, in the past week or so, I went to a huge garage sale with Grandma, visited her library, played cars with Grandpa, went to a party at Auntie Melissa's and Uncle Bill's, went to the mall with Mrs. A, had Jackson and Miss Amie over, played in Bondi's and Poppy's sandbox, went for a bike ride with them too, dug in the mud at my own house...just to name a few. Whew...
But this evening is even more blog-worthy. In a bad way, actually. The day started out great! Mommy took me on some errands (which I love) and we had fun at the Post Office with the cool workers there. Then Nonny came over for lunch after that, I got a cookie at Dick's Bakery with Nonny and Poppy. (Mommy got to run in the middle of the day - woohoo!) I got very excited for Bondi's new hair color and hair style and made her feel good about it too. When I came home, I was very tired and told Mommy "I need to take a rest". It was exactly naptime so Mommy scooped me up and read me Lulu's Shoes before my nap. I went down without a fight.
Mommy was very excited about her plans to see her friend Tracy after dinner! And I was excited to see my new friend Cooper and go with him to the playground! So, after eating chicken, watermelon and tuh-tae-toes, we got in Mommy's NEW car and drove to Westlake. I sat quietly in my seat and just held my sucker (which I didn't even lick). Mommy thought that was odd but she had given me Claritin an hour or two before so she thought it might be a side effect. Anyhow, we parked in the driveway and walked up to the door.
Mommy knocked and Tracy let us in to their beautiful home. I saw Cooper and Tracy and as I was about to say "Hi ---" I started throwing up buckets...buckets of puke went everywhere. Mommy was trying to catch the streams of puke with her arms and legs so that it wouldn't get all over the foyer. I was scared because I felt sick and could hardly breathe. Mommy started backing out of the door but her friend pulled us back in and took care of us.
We went into her bathroom and they cleaned me all up. We even got to borrow some clothes! I was pretty upset but amidst my crying, I asked if we could go to the playground. "Ummm, no" was Mommy's answer.
When I got dressed, we went back downstairs and Mommy apologized again and said she couldn't wait to try it again very soon. As soon as we started talking to Mommy's friend and her nice husband, I started puking again. A TON! Oh, it was so sad and pathetic. I actually threw up directly into Mommy's ear and hair...with some force. It was not pretty.
Mommy loaded me up into the NEW card (yes, the shiny new car) covered in puke again ... and Tracy gave me some more towels and helped wipe me off. Mommy winced a "good-bye" and we were on our way. I only cried a few minutes in the car, and then slumped to one side while we drove home in a very smelly car.
Daddy met us in the driveway a little while later and we got all washed up and cozy. I wanted to watch Jimmy Neutron -- so that's what we did. I'm really hopeful that this episode is over. I'd like to have a nice day tomorrow with CC and Mommy and playing outside. I'm supposed to get my hair cut for the wedding too. Gotta get some things done tomorrow...but if I'm sick, we'll just take care of me. I sure am loved. Even by people I just met. Thanks, Tracy.
Love, TJ