Sunday, June 28, 2009

Petey Fish

I got a pet! His name is Petey Fish. Not just Petey, but Petey Fish. We're friends and I will tell you that many times a day. No kidding! I have 3 rules regarding Petey Fish. Rule #1: Only Mommy or Daddy can move Petey Fish. Rule #2: Petey Fish must swim and not walk, so no taking him out. #3 Only fish food goes in Petey Fish's bowl. Not my hands or my food or my toys. Just his food when Mommy or Daddy says. Then there's an unspoken rule, and that rule is that I can talk to him as much as I want!!!

I take him everywhere. Actually, in honor of rule #1, Mommy or Daddy helps me take him everywhere. He eats at the table with us, he plays with us in the living room, and he even sleeps in my room at night. Petey Fish is pretty portable. I had a fish once and his name was Joshua. He didn't live very long and he's permanently a part of the sewer system of Charlotte, NC right now. I hope Petey Fish is with us longer than that. "He doesn't have teefs like me!" is what I said before bed tonight when I was going up to brush mine.

Love you guys! TJ the fish-tamer


Saturday, June 20, 2009


Mommy tried on a dress of CC's that she was totally, overly excited to wear to Shane's and Beth's wedding this weekend. She came down the steps and asked Daddy what he thought...and I came over to her and said "angel". Oh, it made her so happy. Then I grabbed both her hands and danced with her so the fabric 'swished' when we turned. It was cool.

Then Mommy asked if I wanted to go to another wedding party with cake and I said, "Is there? Is there? Um, is there airplanes on the wall?" They cracked up. Last weekend at Uncle Ben's and Val's rehearsal dinner, there were airplanes on the walls and that obviously made a big impression on me.

While getting dressed this morning, I asked Mommy if I could wear my Chuck Terriers. Aha! Yes, she said...and then I raced around in them all day.

I was very good at the store and I asked for a kissy roll. Once Mommy figured out that I meant a tootsie roll, she conceded.

When Mommy was putting in her contacts this morning, I paused from brushing my teeth and asked, "Is that? Is that your eye tacts?" I'm smart.

I found two pictures framed of Daddy when he was 16 months old...and me at the same age. Mommy asked who I thought he was, and I didn't believe her when she said it was Daddy. I said boldly, "that's not Daddy. that's just a kid."

That's all for now! Love you! TJ


Monday, June 15, 2009

Tidbits of Funnies

Me and my Daddy. My best friend. Here we are just before leaving the wedding this weekend. My eyes may look like they're open at this point, but I'm really sorta sleeping...
Here I am asking Mommy for a dogfish. Actually, a goldfish. One of the books we have out from the library is called Dogfish and it's made me very aware of pets. So, when we drove by the pet section at Walmart in our cart the other day, we looked at the fish. (I am still fish-less so you know Mommy hasn't caved yet). Here's a funny thing that happened: Mommy was telling me about the different fish in the tanks and I was saying "I want that one! I want that one!" and pointed to every single fish I saw. Well, we saw a floater and Mommy said "and that fish is on it's last leg." She didn't think twice about saying that until Daddy walked over and we showed him the fish. Really loudly I yelled "DADDY! THAT FISH LOST IT'S LEG!" I said it twice and my Mommy and Daddy nearly cried it was so funny.
While climbing up the ladder to the slide yesterday, I was eye level with Mommy and I paused to just stare her in the face. She was real quiet. I think she was wondering what I was thinking. After an eternity of about 20 seconds, I said: "Your eyebrows is cool. They're brown. I like them Mommy. That makes you happy?" Oh my, I'm the best kid ever.
Mommy was cleaning the sinks this morning and came in to my room only to find me "mailing my diapers". I was very proud...and got about 30 in there before we had to open up the toybox and move some over so I could keep working. I kept telling Mommy what a hard worker I was and how strong my muscles are. She thoroughly agreed.
This orderly picture is to prove that I am not losing any of my likeness to Daddy. Do you like the Little People parade I made? Scuba Steve was looking for a turtle's mommy in the bathtub and they all had little situations going on. My "make-believe" creativity is really goin' right now!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Uncle Ben's Wedding

Well, friends, I got to be in my second wedding! Care and Uncle Paul had me be in theirs last year and I was clean and cool in my tan suit. And this past Friday, I wore Chuck's and a tux as a ring bearer at my Uncle Ben's and new Aunt Val's wedding. Check out some pictures below!

The ceremony and reception were at the Rainforest and it was really cool to be able to eat dinner while watching the rain come down in the exhibit and see the alligators swimming around too. I did pretty well walking down the aisle with my pillow...but it was so sunny that I couldn't see all the way down the front to where I was supposed to go so I weaved a lot. Like a drunken old man. But then I saw Poppy and ran down to give him the pi-yow with the ring on it. Mommy released me as I ran down the aisle and then she ran up front to meet me but I didn't see her on the side of the row so I just ran back up the aisle to where I started. I'm pretty sure it was cute. Does anybody have it on video?? : )

I was really well-behaved and had tons of energy. Mommy and Daddy were very tired from chasing me around but they appreciated my cooperation. I really loved being dressed up and having people pay attention to me. LOTS of people giving LOTS of attention. I actually stayed up past 11pm and partied at the zoo. Even when the monkeys went to bed, I went upstairs at the Rainforest and held hands with Baylee and Benny. We explored the exhibits a lot. (With Mommy or Daddy close behind).

The only meltdown I had was near the end. They were playing a song and we were doing a choo-choo line...and when it was over, I was so tired and zombie-like that I just lost it. CHOO CHOO SONG! AGAIN DO IT AGAIN PEEEEEZ! So Mommy and Care did the choo-choo with me a little longer and then we ate some cake. I felt better after that.

I'm sure I'll remember other things to tell you, but for now just enjoy the pictures!
Love, TJ


Monday, June 8, 2009

Velcro, Bike, Nature Center...Oh my!

Saturday morning was a perfect morning...filled with pancakes, bike rides, and playground time! Mommy got back from her run and Daddy and I met her at the door for our walk to the playground and fields where Mommy used to play soccer. I rode my bike with my feet on the pedals! I'm very proud about that. I won't ride my nice new bike outside yet because I don't want to get it dirty. I only ride it inside. Mommy's trying to break me of that habit. We'll see.

Do you see the red mark on my cheek? We're not totally sure where it came from, but Mommy says it looks like I got in a fight with some velcro...and the velcro won. Anyhow, it's now scabbed over and healing very nicely. I like to have a boo-boo or two at any given time.

Mommy and CC love the back of my neck and Mommy has taken lots of pictures of my neck! : )
I am pretty brave but also cautious at the playground. Daddy helped me do the rings because I wanted to so badly! He's got strong muscles and I like to say so. About myself too.

Auntie Ta-Mewissa (I added a "ta" in there a lot today) came over this morning and we went to the Nature Center. It was pretty drizzly and wet out - and humid too. But we had a great time! We looked at all the cool stuff in the building then walked on the trail outside and threw rocks into the river. We found a turtle and I told him my name, fed him a snack (rocks) and walked him to the water. He's a special guy to me. When I talked about him at dinner, I called him Franklin.
After the park, we went to McDonald's where I got some ice cream. I say ice cream now instead of "i mean". And now I say Uncle instead of "uh" and a few other changes that make Mommy sad but happy too. I was so worn out after our morning that I slept nearly 3 hours. Mommy got a nap (last one before going back to work after a little vacation) and ran AND made dinner all before I woke up. Nice!

At night and at bedtime, we read a series of short books about Woody, the Prospector and Bullseye. I point to all the animals (critters) in the story and say "that one have teef. that one NOT have teef. that one have teef. that one doesn't have teef." It goes on every single time we read it and it's hilarious.

Have fun watching me and Franklin at the Nature Center. Love you guys! TJ


Thursday, June 4, 2009

What DIDN'T we do?

I'm gonna say it much has happened in the past week! I'm bad, bad, bad for not writing more. Sorry, fella!

Well, in the past week or so, I went to a huge garage sale with Grandma, visited her library, played cars with Grandpa, went to a party at Auntie Melissa's and Uncle Bill's, went to the mall with Mrs. A, had Jackson and Miss Amie over, played in Bondi's and Poppy's sandbox, went for a bike ride with them too, dug in the mud at my own house...just to name a few. Whew...
But this evening is even more blog-worthy. In a bad way, actually. The day started out great! Mommy took me on some errands (which I love) and we had fun at the Post Office with the cool workers there. Then Nonny came over for lunch after that, I got a cookie at Dick's Bakery with Nonny and Poppy. (Mommy got to run in the middle of the day - woohoo!) I got very excited for Bondi's new hair color and hair style and made her feel good about it too. When I came home, I was very tired and told Mommy "I need to take a rest". It was exactly naptime so Mommy scooped me up and read me Lulu's Shoes before my nap. I went down without a fight.

Mommy was very excited about her plans to see her friend Tracy after dinner! And I was excited to see my new friend Cooper and go with him to the playground! So, after eating chicken, watermelon and tuh-tae-toes, we got in Mommy's NEW car and drove to Westlake. I sat quietly in my seat and just held my sucker (which I didn't even lick). Mommy thought that was odd but she had given me Claritin an hour or two before so she thought it might be a side effect. Anyhow, we parked in the driveway and walked up to the door.Mommy knocked and Tracy let us in to their beautiful home. I saw Cooper and Tracy and as I was about to say "Hi ---" I started throwing up buckets...buckets of puke went everywhere. Mommy was trying to catch the streams of puke with her arms and legs so that it wouldn't get all over the foyer. I was scared because I felt sick and could hardly breathe. Mommy started backing out of the door but her friend pulled us back in and took care of us.

We went into her bathroom and they cleaned me all up. We even got to borrow some clothes! I was pretty upset but amidst my crying, I asked if we could go to the playground. "Ummm, no" was Mommy's answer.

When I got dressed, we went back downstairs and Mommy apologized again and said she couldn't wait to try it again very soon. As soon as we started talking to Mommy's friend and her nice husband, I started puking again. A TON! Oh, it was so sad and pathetic. I actually threw up directly into Mommy's ear and hair...with some force. It was not pretty.

Mommy loaded me up into the NEW card (yes, the shiny new car) covered in puke again ... and Tracy gave me some more towels and helped wipe me off. Mommy winced a "good-bye" and we were on our way. I only cried a few minutes in the car, and then slumped to one side while we drove home in a very smelly car.

Daddy met us in the driveway a little while later and we got all washed up and cozy. I wanted to watch Jimmy Neutron -- so that's what we did. I'm really hopeful that this episode is over. I'd like to have a nice day tomorrow with CC and Mommy and playing outside. I'm supposed to get my hair cut for the wedding too. Gotta get some things done tomorrow...but if I'm sick, we'll just take care of me. I sure am loved. Even by people I just met. Thanks, Tracy.

Love, TJ


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