Easter Ears...
Oh gracious, this week was crazy. Mommy started work in the office on a more regular (still part-time) basis and had a big Ebenezer Flea day at Redwood Elementary School. Daddy left for Canada on Friday for a bachelor party (yes, on Easter weekend) and that's when my fever flew into action.I had a high fever for 3 days following a 10-day cold and my ears hurt so badly that I winced in pain for hours upon hours. Mommy felt helpless to make me feel better but she tried everything she could. Mostly, she just rocked me and played with my sweaty hair. She sang to me for 3 days straight. Mommy took me to see the doctor and I was sad when we sat down on the crinkly paper. I hid my face in Mommy's neck and answered the doctor's questions between sobs and tears. "Mommy's doctor. Not TJ's doctor" I kept saying. My chest heaved and I clung to my Mom for dear life. She saved me and even gave me fruit snacks.
The doctor said I have a double ear infection and a sinus infection. I am SUCH a good boy about taking my medicine...pink bubble gum flavor! Mommy smelled it and lots of memories came back. Not good ones, either.
Why is it that I'm always sick on holidays? I puked all Thanksgiving Day, had a bad cold for Christmas and now, Easter was a sicky day too. Oh boy, what's the next holiday? I need to prepare.
Love, TJ
HI Cutie Patootie,
Auntie Marcia has the same illness that you have. She seems to always get sick around Christmas. I tell her it's stress related, but in your case it's probably "excitement" related.
Take care.
Kisses & Hugs!!!
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