Sunday, February 10, 2008


Look, Ma! More headbands!!!

How can I be sick again? HOW? It's my 3rd day of snots galore...and I'm sick of it. My Mommy and Daddy feel so bad for me. All I do is cough, smear my nasty nose all over the place, and whine every once in awhile. I can't help it though. I have another cold and cough! At least it's not croup, but I'm really starting to wonder about that church nursery... : )

Will bubble wrap protect me? Daddy thought so when he took this picture of me. Awww, I'm so stinkin' cute!

I know, I know. Being exposed to germs is good for me. I hear that all the time. But my Mommy isn't happy about it. Not one bit. I am her life! She does not like me being sick. And Daddy too. He hates to hear my cough and then groan. He puts me on his shoulders to make me feel better and tickles me til I can hardly breathe. He's the best Daddy in the world...and I love it when he's with me.
I have GOT to be better for my week! I've got story times and playdates and stuff like that. I'm already gonna miss my best friends at small group tonight...I can't miss my fun week ahead too!

I love you! TJ


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