How do ya like me now?
So...are you impressed with my new layout? I am! Daddy put it together as a surprise for Mommy and she's totally crazy about the new design. Thanks, Super Dad! You're my hero : )
Here are some of the cute things I've done lately that Mommy hasn't written about yet:
1.) Everytime I get in bed to take a nap or sleep at night, I say "But Dad, all my friend'll be there!" and then, "But Jimmy, all my Dad's will be there!" The first is a quote from Jimmy Neutron and Mommy has no idea why I just said it out of the blue. But it's now a habit! The second quote is what I changed/flipped around in my own brain. How funny is that!
2.) I like to play with taboe-bugs and wormies. I was outside with Daddy when I crushed my first ant...accidentally. I said "On no, Daddy! I broke it!"3.) Mommy came to get me from my nap yesterday and she was very happy to see me. I said "Oh Mommy, I so happy. You pitty!" She melted. Over the next few hours, I said "Mommy, you wook boo-tiful" about 7 times and she was so grateful every time. I think I saw a few tears in her eyes too. I do that kinda thing to her!
I admit, I take all my cues from Daddy. Daddy compliments Mommy all the time and treats her like she's very important to him. She's very lucky and she knows it. She tells me all the time she hopes I grow up to be like my Daddy.
4.) There's a lot of construction going on down the street, so Mommy and I walked down there Friday morning. Oh my, we had so much fun! I rode on my bike and then we sat in the grass to watch. It's a pretty big, main street so traffic was heavy. Lots of cars smiled, beeped or waved at us because I think they thought I was cute sittin' there watching the bobbies, dumbies, trucks and bulldozers. I didn't say much, just sat there with my legs straight out ahead of me, my hands in my lap and my mouth hanging open in awe. WOOK AT THAT! is the phrase I shouted most. I could've stayed all day but after half an hour, I needed a break. Mommy carried me home and dragged the bike behind us. I love trucks!Mommy raced downtown Cleveland this morning at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Diversity 5k. Daddy got me all ready early in the morning and we went down to the race together. Later when we were reading my new comic book on the couch, I pointed to the characters running a race and said, "no numbers! they're not wearin' numbers like mommy!" Daddy and Mommy laughed out loud because I noticed the guys racing weren't wearing race numbers like they do. I'm fun!
Well, I gotta go to bed now. Enjoy my new layout and visit Ebenezer Flea on Twitter to see what he's up to lately! Love, TJ the Artist (see furniture sculpture pictured above)
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