Monday, May 25, 2009

Thankful on Memorial Day

"I can't see you guys - cuz it's dark." That's the last thing I said tonight before I fell asleep. My reasoning and thought process is really amazing my parents right now. I love to talk too. Man, it's hard to get me to stop sometimes! (not that they actually want me to stop.)

I got home last night from a long weekend in South Carolina. I will tell you ALL about it when I get pictures of it. But until then, I will WOW you with pictures from today. Memorial Day.

I played at home in the morning with Mommy and Daddy. I crawled into bed with them after Daddy got me out of my crib. I snuggled in then slid off the bed about 10 times whispering, "I go get something. I be right back guys." And then I'd bring in a toy and show it off.

Then we went to a parade where I was afraid of the big, tall "float" army guy. He went past and I just kept saying, "He's not comin' back. He's not comin' back. He's not real." Then Mommy told me I was brave and I said, "I not brave. I TJ!" Ha! I showed her! : )
After the parade, I saw fire engines with Mommy and Daddy and then had brunch at Bondi's and Poppy's house. I took nearly a 4-hour nap after that. I was so tired from my big trip!!!Enjoy the pictures and I promise to write about the wedding weekend tomorrow!
Love, TJ (not "Brave")


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