Pools, Pee Pee, and Surprises! (But not all combined!)
Now THAT is a long title, isn't it? I've just got so much to say...
I've been going strong on the potty for the past few days. At least 6-7 times a day I've been going pee pee on the potty. I've only had one wet diaper each day and Mommy and Daddy are excited. It's a lot of work for them to stay on top of things with me all the time, but they're pretty committed. I'll admit, Mommy is way scared about this whole thing but she's doing a lot of research so she doesn't screw it up! I've been ready according to lots of studies and questionnaires, but we haven't taken the plunge (get it?) until now. It just happened! So...we'll see how it works out. Tomorrow, we're going to the store to pick out big boy underpants. I get two mini marshmallows each time I go potty...and it's a great motivator. I like the game of keeping my diapee dry too.Today we went to Memphis Kiddie Park with Miss Amie and Jackson. I went peepee in my potty in the back of the car before we went in...and when we came out. It was so awesome. Mommy almost peed her pants she was so proud of me. hehehe.
I was a little worried about a few of the rides early on, but got over my fears. I loved going there and asked if I could come back "when I'm bigger". Mommy said 'of course' and whirled me around til we were both dizzy. She's crazy about me!
Yesterday, I got to see Auntie Melissa and swim in her pool. I only swam for twenty minutes or so but had a blast. Mostly I liked looking for Moo and Boo (her kitties) and sitting at the table on the porch, then in the house, then on the porch again. I was a goof and talked a lot. Mostly they understood where I was going with my conversation, but I had them confused at a few moments too.
We went to surprise Grandma at work after that. We were sneaky and crept up to Grandma and yelled "surprise"! She ran over to us and I hugged her a lot! Then we went upstairs and Grandma read me some firetruck books in the big fire engine. It was great. I picked out a video to borrow for the ride home but when Mommy turned it on, it scared me because it was too loud. We watched some of it when we got home. It was fun surprising Grandma! : )
Love, TJ
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