Monday, August 11, 2008

The Weekend in Photos

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit me this weekend. They said they came to see my Mommy and Daddy too, but I'm not sure that's so true. I think they like me better. Who wouldn't? : )

Here I am practicing my football drills. Gotta love those hash marks! I ran around on this field while Grandma and Grandpa and Mommy and Daddy watched me. You should've seen how sweaty my little red head was after that. I was rewarded with ice cream for my hard workout.

We went out to eat every day that Grandma and Grandpa were here. It was great! We went to Cici's Pizza so they could see me eat mac-n-cheese peepa! Oh, it was so good. I ate a lot and behaved very well. We also got excellent BBQ at a place that looked like a hole-in-the-wall at first glance. Same with Chez Fish in Kiawah Island. Mommy thought it was so gross and didn't want to go, until she got inside. Then she ate her words...and a lot more than that : )

I love wearing shoes, heels and flip-flops. I went for Grandpa's shoes every time they weren't on his feet! They're a little big for me here, but I think I'll grow into them. They may be on the wrong feet, but they sure look goooood!
Bob? Oh, Bob! Bobby? I'm calling for Bob the Builder here but I can't find him. Does anyone know here Bob the Builder went?
More on my Grandparents' visit tomorrow. Love you!


tjsgrandma August 12, 2008 at 9:51 AM  

Hi TJ,

Grandma & Grandpa had so much fun with you this weeked (and Mommy & Daddy)!!!!

I'm glad we finally had that great mac & cheese peepa.

We miss you already. Can't wait to see younext month!

Love, Kisses & Hugs,

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