Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Racing...and Christmas?

Well, Sunday morning Daddy had a big race in the park. He ran the River Run Half Marathon and I got to watch! It was pretty cool out for the start and ended up very rainy at the end. Daddy got 2nd place and ran a PR! Mommy and I were so happy for him! Grammie and Poppy cheered too and we followed Daddy to the finish. He looked like he wasn't even tired at the end. Go Dada!

I pushed my stroller and ran around a ton so Mommy thought I'd be tired for a nap. I read in my crib for two hours but never slept a wink. We went out to Willowick to see Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Melissa and Uncle Bill and lots of others in my family for a Brown's party. I think it was Christmas too because I got so many presents!!! I don't have any pictures to show now because I'm still in Cleveland but I'll show pictures when I get home. I got puzzles and an animal sound maker and a new bike! Can you believe it???

I was very well behaved at the Brown's party. I learned how to bowl and how to play golf. I'm a pretty good shot! Grandpa taught me how to yell "fore" before I hit the ball. My favorite thing to do was to throw my golf balls onto the pool table. I got a little mixed up with my sports there. Too bad the Browns lost...but we had a great time! I even got to feel a baby in Lauren's tummy. I pointed at her cute, big belly and said "bebe" a lot.

I love to eat "bop-con" and I like to feed it to people too. I fed Uncle Michael, Lisa and Grandpa lots of popcorn. It was funny. I would run over to the tables of food, stand on my tippy toes to look inside the bowls to find the popcorn. I'd reach my little fingers inside and pull out one piece at a time...and then either eat it, or feed it to someone else.

My non-nap made for a hysterical wake-up around 11pm though (again). I'm not ready to get rid of my naptime yet. Mommy is happy for that. She's not ready for me to be done with my naps either!

Lots more stories coming...Love, TJ


Gibbons September 11, 2008 at 1:46 PM  

Tim had a very good race...by the way, I love the river t-shirt that TJ has......very classy

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