Thursday, January 8, 2009

If you like puke and poop, read on! (That means you CC and Wissa!)

Yep, I know it. I've been bad about writing. But here's why. We're just getting settled in after moving 500 miles and living through (while enjoying) the craziness of the holidays. Mommy started back at work this week too...and we've all been adjusting to that. Sunday morning went on as usual and I had so much fun playing with my friends in the nursery. I ran out the door when Mommy and Daddy came to get me, and then we got a cookie in the Cafe. I did a few laps around some tables and we went home. I was unusally quiet on the quiet that Daddy commented about it and Mommy agreed.

I got into my comfy clothes and just wanted to "way down" on the couch. Not at ALL like me. Then I started to moan and eventually turned even more pale than usual. My temperature soared and 4 hours later, Mommy and Daddy were still snuggling with me on the couch. Bondi came over to be with me while so my Mom and Dad could run. When they got home, I wasn't talking anymore and didn't even look at them. Soon after, I puked all over Mommy. It wasn't an hour later that I was back to my good old self doing laps around the dining room table. My fever continued through the next morning but I kept saying "feel better" when Mommy asked how I was. We all love that I can communicate now and say what hurts and what doesn't. I told Daddy that my ear hurt and he felt so bad...but was also happy that I could tell him that.

New subject...from puke to poop. I was watching Go, Diego, Go with Mommy today after our MUMS group at church. Here's what happened in the show. A windy wind came and took all the strawberries away from Diego's grandfather's farm. So, his sister called Diego (a mountain, river, and creek away) so that he could bring some strawberry seeds to plant more for the strawberry festival that night. Yes, THAT night. Diego had Green Iguana eat lots of strawberries so that he could "poop them out" at his grandfather's farm. Green Iguana and Diego had an adventure getting to the farm and Green Iguana often commented about not being able to hold the seeds in much longer. Um, gross. THEN, when they rushed to the farm at the end, Green Iguana pooped out 4 long farm rows worth of strawberry seeds. The BoBo Bros (monkies) watered the seeds and they grew in 15 seconds - perfect timing for ripe strawberries for the festival. Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.

Strawberries, anyone?

Love, TJ
By the way, I refer to many things as "serty" lately. This means scary. Mommy and Daddy love when I say it, but don't like when I'm afraid. They make everything okay. I also tell them whenever Thomas or Diego or Lightning McQueen are sad.


CC January 13, 2009 at 2:17 PM  

thats disgusting. what lesson is that trying to get across to kids? if they poop on someone's lawn, things grow? dumb, that writer should be fired. let's keep it clean with learning to share or saying please and thank you, not pooping seeds. again, dumb. but thanks for sharing! i must have missed that episode of diego... ha

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