Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh my gosh! Count to TEN!

Mommy and I took a lot of fun videos this week while Daddy was away. We wanted to show him how we play hide-n-seek and stuff. Mommy also interviewed me in one of the videos. Well, the best videos were from today...which was the most exciting day of my terms of learning, that is.

This morning, Mommy and I were sitting at the table having breakfast. I wanted more syrup for my pancakes, so Mommy went around the corner to get it from the kitchen. As she was walking back, she heard me talking under my breath and stood still (and out of sight) to hear what I was saying. While looking at a New Year's card from my Daddy's boss, I was COUNTING the pictures. Not pretend counting...actually counting the pictures on the card. Mommy heard me say "six, sen, eight, nine, TEN!" and then she popped back into the room and praised me like crazy! She asked me what I was doing and I said "counting!" She asked me to say it again and then ran upstairs for the camera!

I need a little warm-up when I count, so I start by saying "1, 2, 1, 2" and then I skip three (or get a little help with #3) and then I have no problem saying the rest of the numbers up to ten! It's been a crazy day of counting and leaving counting messages for Bondi, Poppy, Gamma and Gampa. (My current ways of saying their names, anyhow!) Hope you like the video! I'll be posting more super cute videos this week. They just take FOREVER to upload so I'm gonna pace myself.

**I should note that Mommy was chasing me to actually get my counting on video and doesn't normally run after me making me count and learn.

Love, Count TJ


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