Sunday, June 29, 2008

Shoot...this is a long one!

Howdy y'all! I've been doin' a lot of fishin' (magnetic, of course) and puzzles lately. I'm so good at doing a piggy noise and a cow noise too.

I say new words now...and I can pick out stars all over the place now. "Dar! Dar!" is what I say. Mommy and Daddy get really excited.

The Fourth of July is coming up and our whole family is racing! Mommy is running alone and Daddy is racing with ME! Daddy ran with me in the babyjogger last year and he's doing it again this year! Mommy isn't injured anymore, so she can run too! Hoorah!

Today, Emily and Sophie came to visit. They brought their cool parents and their EXTRA cool new dog too. After pizza, we played in the pool. When the pool got all dirty and full of grass, I decided to try and drink a bucket full of it. I coughed a lot. Eww gross! It tasted awful. Once I stopped choking...I tried it again. Hmm, I get that from my dad. He drank a whole bottle of syrup once at a party. I think he felt pretty sick after that. I don't think he tried it again though. He learned. I'm still just a kid. : )

This is their new dog, Goldie. She's a couple of years older than me, but I'm in love. I played gently with her for a bit, then I just felt like snuggling. Don't I look sweet? I usually do this with my Mommy and Daddy. I like to come plop in their laps or sit on their heads. It's a fun game. All of a sudden, I'll just plop one last time and stay for awhile. I'm a good nuggler.

My friends Kate and Emily call my Mommy "Miss Hannah". She thinks it's so cute when they do. Kate is getting a little sister in November. I hope she comes on my birthday! I don't think her mommy wants that though. My birthday is 2 days after her due date. That's a long time to wait.

Check out the big shoes I've got to fill! My Daddy is awesome. Mommy and her friend Alexia had a garage sale on Saturday and after that, we went to Target and got a sweet new basketball. We went to the park to play with it, but I really just wanted to swing and climb on the tower.

Mommy and Daddy never saw me love to swing so much. I kind of just relaxed and leaned forward and then gave my Mom and Dad high 5's when they asked me to. It was adorable, they said. Too bad they didn't have the camera! (That's a first, right?) I don't think they'll ever forget how sweet my face was on that swing. I was all grown up for a minute. Whew. Good thing that I went right back to bein' a toddler!

Again, I absolutely LOVE to line things up...then knock them down. Maybe I'll be a professional bowler. Not sure about that though. Well, I'm twirling my hair which means I'M SLEEPY TIRED!

Love, TJ


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mr. Repetitious...easy for you to say!

I am repeating (or trying to anyway) EVERYTHING my Mommy and Daddy say. I say "hippo" really cute!!!! I also am good at saying "oppie" for open, "ucky" for yucky, "heppie" for help, and so on. Plus, I really love apples...which are apples, strawberries and oranges. I just clump 'em all together. It's easier that way : )

I also picked my first booger today. Sadly, there is no spot in my Mommy's "Baby's Firsts" book for "First Booger Picked" so I'm dedicating a paragraph in my blog for it. I had an itch on my nose and then just kept my finger up my nose for a minute. When I pulled it out, I found a booger on my finger and brought it directly to my mom. She gagged for a minute. Then wiped it off.

Mr. Fuzz is my new friend. I love Mr. Fuzz. I found him on the floor the other day and I carried him around for a few hours. I would pet him, and kiss him, and show him to my Mommy about 16 times. Then when I dropped him, I freaked out. Don't worry, I found him and took care of him the rest of the day. I think he's in the vacuum cleaner now. Oh well. Sorry, Mr. Fuzz!

This picture is from our trip to Ohio. Aunt Carey and Uncle Paul's dog is awesome. His name is Julius and he let me pull on his ears and pet him the whole time. I tried to put headphones on his ears so he could listen to Mommy's ipod, but they didn't fit right. Oh well, it's a cute picture at least!

G'nite everyone! I me! TJ


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Beautiful Day...on the Inside!

This weekend was my Aunt Carey's BIG DAY! There is so much to say...where do I even start? We drove into town at the end of the week and I got to see my Grammie and Poppy and Grandma and Grandpa before any of the wedding festivities started! (I hope they all know that there is no way I can ever forget them...and I remember each fun thing we do together. I have the greatest grandparents and aunts and uncles in the whole wide world!!!)

Friday night was the start of the wedding fun. We went to Mapleside for an awesome rehearsal dinner. There was a concert on the hill and we all got to see the sun going down over the valley of apple trees. It was spectacular! Uncle Paul and Aunt Carey made everyone cry (especially Mommy) after dinner and I got to run around the room giggling and laughing. I played with my new dumbees and helicopter flashlight. I was really well-behaved and fell asleep on the drive home. Daddy took me home a bit early so Mommy could hang out with everyone. Thanks, Daddy!

We'd been keeping an eye on the weather for a week since the wedding was planned for outside. After the morning rehearsal, all the bridesmaids hung out at the Purdy household where there was a beautiful spread of food...and lots of hairdressing going on! It was a wild morning...with doggies everywhere and people and tears and love all swirled together. My Aunt Carey looked awfully gorgeous in her pre-wedding comfy outfit and her absolutely perfect hair.

When Aunt Carey, Grammie, Poppy, Uncle Ben, Mommy and all the other girls and boys got to the wedding site, they all got ready. Everyone was rushing around upstairs to slip Carey into her dress and get everything just perfect. And then...they waited. And waited. And waited for the clouds to part and the sun to come out. But it never did. The wedding was going to be outside and the flowers and planters were all set - and boy, did it look beautiful! But for some reason, the weather just would not cooperate. And once the rains started, it was looking like the ceremony would have to take place inside. Of course, Aunt Carey was so sad. But she took it so well! We tried one last time to make it happen outside, but then - guess what! TORNADO SIRENS started to go off! Yeah, on Aunt Carey's wedding day, there were tornado sirens going off and HAIL falling all over. Poor Aunt Carey.

But I can't even tell you how beautiful the wedding was and how perfect Aunt Carey and Uncle Paul looked and how much FUN everyone had at the wedding. I was on my absolute best behavior. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me...and could not believe how great I did. When Mommy and I walked down the aisle, I stuck my face in her bouquet of flowers and smelled them. Oh my gosh, it was so cute! We didn't practice our walk at all because she wanted me to be spontaneous...and I sure was! At dinner, I sat and ate my food, and I gave lots of high 5s and kisses. I took great pictures and kept my jacket and tie on the whole time. Shoot, too bad I don't get an allowance. I think it would have been doubled this week.

Well, I will think of many more things to say...but for now, I need to sleep a little. There will be MORE pictures and MORE stories over the next few days. It's all been a bit of a whirlwind...and I've been kind of stressed. I love everybody!!!

Love, TJ The Ring-Bearer "Grrr"


Monday, June 16, 2008

Where do I even start???

We're comin' up on 5,000 pictures of me. Yep, my Mommy and Daddy have taken 4, 693 pictures of me since I was born exactly 19 months ago. Can you believe it? I'm an old man already! : )

But I'm not too old to kiss my big bear before bedtime. (Say that 5 times fast!) I'm also not too old to twirl my hair when I get tired or nervous. I'm not too old to be read 85 books a day. And I'm really not too old to read to myself! Yep - Daddy discovered me reading to myself on the couch the other day. Sometimes I go to the laundry room to read too. That's usually where I go to hide and poopoo too - but somehow reading and going potty go well together.

Anyhow, I talk gibberish a lot more these days and my Mommy and Daddy LOVE to hear it. They laugh at me in a good way.

I got to go to an amusement park this weekend!!! I think my Mommy was more excited than anyone. She kept saying "I can't believe I'm actually taking my little boy to an amusement park. This is so fun!" Yeah, she's taking motherhood very seriously. : )

Well, thanks to Josh and Alexia, we got to enjoy an afternoon/evening at Carowinds for FREE! Mommy decided that we shouldn't go until after my noon naptime - to maximize our time there. Well, I decided not to sleep, so I threw her a curveball. (I'm good at that). When we arrived, we went right to the waterpark area. There were so many slides and play areas and squirting dinosaurs that I just sat in my neon green stroller and stared...studying everything.

Once my sunscreen was on (two coats, mind you) and my hat and sunglasses were in place, we set out to patrol the wave pool area. The siren went off and the waves started coming just as we got in. So...I backed up more and more until I was back on the cement. "Up-a. Up-a." was all I could say. I just wanted Daddy to pick me up and make me feel safe. So he did. We went to the kiddie play area and I just clung to my Daddy for awhile. Once I felt better, we went down the big inner tube kiddie slide a few times and I was truly focused on having fun. I didn't smile. I just focused on the fun. My Mom said I was so adorable. After that, the 3 of us went down the lazy river and I chilled out for awhile. I was so exhausted from all the fun we had that just 2 hours later, I started to get crabby. Check out my video. My legs just became rubber and I lost it.

Mommy scooped me up and got me all clean and dry. Then we began the long walk back to the car. We didn't even see the rest of the park - but we will someday. I can't wait. It was an awesome time and I know my cool parents will take me back someday. Okay, that's all I've got. I love you, everybody! Love, TJ


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Like Father, Like Son...

Since we had been cooped up in the house due to my horrible sickness and the heat...Mommy decided that yesterday was to be our "going out again finally" day. We started the morning off by going to Dunkin' Donuts. I've never had a donut before, so I got to eat two munckin donuts all by myself. It was awesome! At first, I just held it and looked at it. But then, I took a little taste - and a few bites later, it was gone.

After that, we drove to the YMCA and spent the morning at the pool!!! I loudly declared my love for the pool when I saw the slides and spraying water. However, I wouldn't go in it for the first 20 minutes. Mommy sat at the side of the pool and I climbed into her lap. She dipped my toes in and splashed around a little. I got brave soon after and we walked a few laps around the fun climbing things and slides in the middle...but I wouldn't go near it still. I didn't like the kids splashing water on my face or my body. It scared me a bit. So, my hand stayed glued to Mommy's hand. She tried to pry me off of her a few times and wanted me to be brave and run around, but I wasn't ready.

Eventually, I did go play on the cool toys but I got tired really quickly. We were there for an hour and a half!!! On the drive home, I had wet hair and fresh, dry clothes on. I was so comfy and tired that I would giggle out loud every few minutes outta nowhere. Mommy would laugh at me when I did this. She checks on me a lot when we drive...and when we were nearly home, she looked back and me and I said "I me". When she turned around again - my eyes were shut, my mouth was open, and I was snoring away. How precious am I!

What a cool day. Oh, remember how I like to line up my trucks? Well, Grandma found pictures of Daddy doing the same thing. What a cool comparison!!! Check it out : )

I love everybody!!! Love, Water Baby TJ


Monday, June 9, 2008

Here fishy fishy fishy!

Please welcome Joshua to the Budic family, everyone! Joshua is a Beta fish and we adopted him from Petsmart yesterday. Mommy let me name him - sort of. The first thing I did when I saw Joshua was BARK "oof oof". No, I know he's not a doggie, but it's the first animal noise that came to mind. The first actual word I said after barking was "Hot Dog". Mommy was hesitant to name him hot dog because, well, I eat hot dogs every once in awhile and Mommy didn't want me to get confused one day and think I was eating my fish. Sooo, I finally said "Joshua" (seriously) and that was that.

I love having my picture taken, so when I saw Mommy pull the camera out to take a photo of Joshua, I came right over and gave her my cheesiest grin. Take a look. What do you think? Mozzarella or cheddar? : )

Am I doing calf raises to train for something? Nope. I just like to stand on my toes when I'm hangin' around my house. I don't walk on my toes much anymore, but I sure do like to do a raise or two when I'm thinkin' about it.

Alright, g'nite all!!!

Love, TJB


Sunday, June 8, 2008

I'm back!

I have officially turned the corner!!! (knock on wood!) I am nearly back to my old self again. I still have silly, ugly blisters on my hands and feet and tongue, but I'm full of happy thoughts and giggles. Thanks for prayin' for me!

Mommy and I played with my blanket for half an hour yesterday...and she made me look like Cousin It. When she stopped putting the blanket over my head, I brought it too her and shoved it into her hands...."meee mee" I said. (That means "more" and "moo" in my language)

It's been so hot here (today got up to 102 degrees) that we have to play inside more than usual. Daddy read to me for a very long time on my couch. As usual, I wanted the same two books over and over again. He didn't mind. I'm a lot like him, you know. I like to line up my trucks to show how organized I am. I like being just like my Daddy!!! I have a lot more trucks than he does though! : )

I've also discovered a new hiding space - inside my couch! I think I'm really funny when I hide here...Mommy and Daddy think so too!

It was a very hard week for us in the Budic household - for many reasons. But here's a video of me laughing...just so you know I'm back to my happy self again.
Love you!!!! TJ Bigglesworth


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Puke Machine

I am a sad, sad little boy. I started throwing up two nights ago and haven't slept much since then. Neither has Mommy or Daddy. Daddy called the doctor last night because I still wouldn't eat or drink anything and I was just crying uncontrollably. Somehow we got through the night again, and I saw the doc this morning. I have blisters all over my throat and tonsils and apparently have a few more days to deal with this until it goes away. There's no medicine for what I have which makes my Mommy and Daddy so sad. I look pretty pathetic and I don't even want to talk or play much. They hate to see me so hurt especially when there isn't much they can do. I want to be held most of the day and have been much snugglier than usual. If you think of it, please say a little prayer for me, okay? Thanks! Love, TJ


Monday, June 2, 2008

Pool Time

It was another hot one today...but felt really good to be in the sun. After a fun morning and a great nap, Mommy and I went outside to play for awhile. Daddy filled up my new pool ahead of time so the water would warm up while Mommy coated my arms, legs, ears, neck and every body part that even had a chance of seeing the sun with SPF 60. Then, we went out.

The first thing I did was pull my lawn mower into the pool with me. Mommy helped me get it over the edge after I struggled with it for a minute. Boy, when I'm determined to do something, I get it DONE. Even if I need a little help. Anyhow, I mowed the inside of the pool for awhile and stopped to play catch with Mommy every so often. Then, I'd get out of the pool (with the help of Mommy's knee or hand) and run over to play in my zoo. Then back to the pool. It was so much fun to run back and forth. When it was time to go in, I didn't rebel or become Jell-O boy and have a tantrum. I just walked inside and ate a snack while I got dried off snuggled up.

Being outside made my Mommy realize that a whole lot has changed since last summer (our first summer here). Time doesn't slow down, does it. (That's more of a statement than a question - hence the period, not the question mark.) I've started saying "Elm-0" instead of "Elm-a" and other little things like that which actually make my Mom sorta cringe for a second. Of course she wants me to grow up and learn new things and all...but it stings a little to know that it's going by so quickly. And always will.

This picture here is of me last summer. I'm guessing you see quite a difference too. Not to mention that now I actually have hair on my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I-me! (I love you)



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