Shoot...this is a long one!
Howdy y'all! I've been doin' a lot of fishin' (magnetic, of course) and puzzles lately. I'm so good at doing a piggy noise and a cow noise too.
I say new words now...and I can pick out stars all over the place now. "Dar! Dar!" is what I say. Mommy and Daddy get really excited.
The Fourth of July is coming up and our whole family is racing! Mommy is running alone and Daddy is racing with ME! Daddy ran with me in the babyjogger last year and he's doing it again this year! Mommy isn't injured anymore, so she can run too! Hoorah!Today, Emily and Sophie came to visit. They brought their cool parents and their EXTRA cool new dog too. After pizza, we played in the pool. When the pool got all dirty and full of grass, I decided to try and drink a bucket full of it. I coughed a lot. Eww gross! It tasted awful. Once I stopped choking...I tried it again. Hmm, I get that from my dad. He drank a whole bottle of syrup once at a party. I think he felt pretty sick after that. I don't think he tried it again though. He learned. I'm still just a kid. : )
This is their new dog, Goldie. She's a couple of years older than me, but I'm in love. I played gently with her for a bit, then I just felt like snuggling. Don't I look sweet? I usually do this with my Mommy and Daddy. I like to come plop in their laps or sit on their heads. It's a fun game. All of a sudden, I'll just plop one last time and stay for awhile. I'm a good nuggler.
My friends Kate and Emily call my Mommy "Miss Hannah". She thinks it's so cute when they do. Kate is getting a little sister in November. I hope she comes on my birthday! I don't think her mommy wants that though. My birthday is 2 days after her due date. That's a long time to wait.Check out the big shoes I've got to fill! My Daddy is awesome. Mommy and her friend Alexia had a garage sale on Saturday and after that, we went to Target and got a sweet new basketball. We went to the park to play with it, but I really just wanted to swing and climb on the tower.
Mommy and Daddy never saw me love to swing so much. I kind of just relaxed and leaned forward and then gave my Mom and Dad high 5's when they asked me to. It was adorable, they said. Too bad they didn't have the camera! (That's a first, right?) I don't think they'll ever forget how sweet my face was on that swing. I was all grown up for a minute. Whew. Good thing that I went right back to bein' a toddler!Again, I absolutely LOVE to line things up...then knock them down. Maybe I'll be a professional bowler. Not sure about that though. Well, I'm twirling my hair which means I'M SLEEPY TIRED!
Love, TJ
Hi TJ,
You are THE BEST. I love you and I miss you a whole lot. I'm so glad you have friends to play with and doggie friends to snuggle with and water bottles to line up.
love, Grammie
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