Sunday, April 27, 2008


As we all know by now, I like to wear my Bob the Builder elbow pads around the house. I wear 'em on my wrists with Bob facing up so that I can look at him and his cool machinery. It's so fun! I run around yelling "Bobby! Bobby!"

Mommy wasn't convinced that I actually knew who Bob the Builder and his tractor were until today. She put my stuffed Bob in a pile of my toys and asked me to "go get Bob!" Well, I did. Four times. So, I'm pretty sure I get it - and I'm pretty sure she believes me now too. If that wasn't enough proof, today we ran by some yellow tractors in the park. I sat straight up and pointed, screaming "Bob! Bob! Bobby!". Shoot. She almost fell over and Daddy laughed out loud!

Right after we saw the tractors, the sky went black and it started to downpour. I'm talkin' sheets of rain. Mommy left the plastic raincover for my babyjogger in the car for the first time ever. Not too smart. So, we all hid under a bridge for about 20 minutes while the creek beside us swelled up. It was an incredible amount of rain. Looked like a waterfall from under the bridge. When it let up, we made a run for it toward the car...about 2 miles away. The sun peeked through and brightened up the whole sky by the time we got packed in the car. What a run!

I also have a new pet. His name is Ollie. He's a little turtle who lives on my Mommy's bamboo plant that she got before I was born. Ollie is plastic, so he never gets stinky. And I help Mommy water him every few days. He's really cute.

Okay. I gotta go. House is on!!!

Love, TJ


Friday, April 25, 2008


When Mommy, Daddy and I went running in the park yesterday, we FINALLY saw a few snakes and turtles! I believe my first blog or two was about seeing a snake here in Charlotte while in the babyjogger with my Mom. My Mommy always looks for cool snakes, lizards and turtles when we're at the park but hadn't seen any since...until yesterday. She spotted a big, fat snake sunning himself on a log in the pond we were running by. We stopped quickly, and just stared at him. He was so cool! Mommy got a little closer and another snake slid off a nearby log and slipped into the water. He was even cooler with red stripes down his back. Anyhow, the big snake didn't move until Daddy got a stick and tried to pick him up. Mommy moved me off the path and I watched from afar as my stupid parents tried to get a closer look at this guy. They were outsmarted by the snake and he ran away forever. If only Bear Grylls had been along : (

I've been fascinated with saying "no no no" lately. I will lovingly show my Mommy what "no no no" means throughout the day. For example, when she came into the living room yesterday, I was standing by the bathroom door, pointing and saying "no no no". I know I'm not allowed in there and when I saw the door was open, I made sure to tell Mommy 'no'.

Then, I climbed on my new table and tried to stand up...all the while saying "no no no". After that, I whispered "no no no"... as I proudly carried my trash can full of wet diapers to my Mom. She appreciated it, I'm sure.

My newest word is airplane - pronounced "ah-pane". I see and hear them all the time. At that very moment, I fling my arm up and point to the sky - then say "ah pane" about 100 times. Mommy LOVES it! And Daddy too, of course.

Alright, nappy time for me begins...NOW! love, TJ


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Love at First Sight

I fell in love today...with a puppy named Trouble.

How did it all happen so quickly, you ask? Let me tell you. After storytime, Mommy and Grammie took me to the park. I was excited to play on the slides and swings and dig in the dirt. But moments after we got there, I saw her. And since that moment, I've thought of nothing else.

Oooooh! Ooooooh! OOOOOH! I exclaimed! Little Trouble must've sensed my excitement. She came right over and tackled me. I loved it! I even got to hold her leash (the little 4-year old who was "in charge of her" at the time, just gave me the leash and ran to the monkey bars....hmmm). We romped in the grass, she scrached my arms (with love) and I giggled like crazy.

Oh you see how cute I am with this doggie? If I get a paper route and show you I'm responsible...can I have one? Huh? Huh? Can I have a doggie?

Pretty soon, Trouble's real mom came over and took her away. I was sad, but I didn't cry. I'm a brave little guy. Mommy, Grammie and I played on the swings and slides and found cool rocks.

I got a Frosty after the playground...and it helped me forget how much I miss Trouble.

Perhaps someday I'll see her again. Or find another Trouble who is right for me.

Love, Puppy-lovin' TJ : )


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Long time no...write!

Sorry I haven't written in awhile! Things have been so busy. Now that I'm a 17-month-old kid, I feel that I'm ready for a Blackberry just to manage all my plans. I discussed it with my Mommy and she said 'no'. Daddy agreed and I just think that's unfair. But, I've got quite a few more years to live under their roof, so I guess I should obey their rules. Honestly, I'm the one that makes most of the rules, so I've got it pretty good.

My Grammie came down to visit me and to help my Mommy out while Daddy is in Tennessee this week. It's been great doing all our normal stuff with an extra Grammie along!!! Plus, I get more treats. I do get more kisses too...which is a little hard to believe because Mommy pretty much kisses my cheeks, neck, bellybutton and toes all day long. I think she pretty much loves me a lot.

I miss my Daddy a ton. He doesn't like to leave us when he has to travel but I know why he does it. It just makes me even happier to see him when he comes home. The first thing I say when I see him after he's been away is "BALL BALL"! He knows that means we have to play our pick-up game of bball right away. I can't dunk yet, but I'm working on it.

Before Daddy left, he gave me a good old-fashioned haircut (or hair-huck as we call honor of my Uncle Ben who coined the phrase many years ago!) I sat in the garage on Mommy's lap and he used the clippers to give me a great fade cut...I look like a little man. Look out ladies, I got a sweet hairhuck and brand new blue kicks. I'm a freakin' stud!

I missed going on a run with Mommy yesterday. I love going in my babyjogger and yelling at all the geese and airplanes that fly overhead. But Mommy appreciated the treat of running alone and not pushing a 26-pound kid for miles.

Grammie and Poppy got me a Bob the Builder helmet for when I ride my Harley. Just kidding. It's for when I ride in my "chariot" (bike cart) up in Ohio. I've been wearing the knee pads and elbow pads around the house for the past two days. I point at them and say "Bob" a lot. Geez, they can't get enough of hearing me say that.

Well, I gotta go. I'm pretty tired and I have to rest up for story hour in the morning.
Love, TJ


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kate and Me

Mommy and I went to the park yesterday on a whim. We were playing in the backyard and it was just too nice not to be sliding down a slide! : )

So, we packed a quick snack and took off. Mommy thought I was such a grown-up little boy...and getting so big...until we got to the park. I was the littlest boy there! It was a reality check for my Mom. I ran around like a nut for awhile, then played with some little girls - and mostly just stared at them trying to figure out what they were doing in the "castle". They were paying invisible money for invisible food. I got bored with that real fast, so I played with a spider and a boy spitting water for awhile.

I've had two fun days in a row! My friend Kate came over this morning so her Mommy could get her hair cut. At first, she was a little shy, but she brought her Daddy's old collection of Smurf figures to play with. It was awesome! I lined them up on Mommy's hope chest right away.
We went outside and had a blast playing in the sunshine. I followed her around mostly. She told me "no no TJ" when I went by the air conditioner. Mommy was laughing so hard. Mostly because I actually listened to Kate better than I listen to my Mommy. She played with my bubble mower, and then wanted me to play with it. We played catch as well as a 23 month old and 17 month old can. We'll have to work on that!

We came in for lunch a little while later and ate a lot. Kate says animal names and sounds really well. I stared at her a lot...and tried to hold her hand once. She said "good boy TJ" and "hey buddy" a lot...I think she was repeating my Mommy's phrases.

Kate's Mommy came back and looked so glamorous. I was sad when they left, but we'll see each other soon. I went right down for my nap afterwards. I was soooo tired.
When I wake up, Mommy and I are going for a run in the park. I can't wait! But I can't forget my sunscreen! It's gonna be 78 degrees or higher all weekend and next week. HOORAY!

Love, TJ

p.s. In addition to kissing, I like to hug as well. Mostly my stuffed animals. Mommy said "hug Bananas, TJ!" and I did. (Anything for a photo op!)I put my whole head and neck into it. Pretty cute!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nothing Really...

Ta-da! This morning, I waltzed right in to my nursery classroom without so much as a wave bye-bye to my Mommy. I did not scream. I did not cry. I did not fuss. I just gave my Mommy a kiss and walked through that door like a big boy. And I played HARD! Right now, I'm going on hour two of my nap. Hoorah!

Mommy asks me to say "baby" a lot lately because I say it so sweetly. Bay-bee. With an emphasis on "bay". I say it with a hush and point at little kids (even pictures on the fridge).

I also say Nonny (my Mommy's grandma ... whom she calls Nonny), GG (my Mommy's other grandma), Moo (for Pooh bear), Up-a (when I want to be picked up), and a few other things I just can't think of right now.

I guess that's it. Just checkin' in. Have a good day, everybody!

Love, TJ


Saturday, April 12, 2008

One of Those Days

I don't have much to say about the past few days.

I have been a very unhappy boy.

When I'm not whining, I'm crying.

I'm still cute though.

OH LOOK! A pebble!

I love everybody very much.

Love, TJ


Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's A Jungle Out There!

As promised, Mommy and I got up early (sort of) this morning and drove to Columbia with our friends Alexia and Kate to have a fun day at the zoo! We met even more of our friends there and had an awesome time looking at all the animals!

Our first stop was the penguins. Once I got over their smell (sniff sniff), I realized that I don't like penguins much. They're kinda scary when they swim close to the glass and look at me funny. Mommy was all excited when they swam over, but I got a big frown on my face and she scooted me outta there pretty quickly. After that, we saw sea lions and gorillas (running and beating their chests! wow!) and giraffes and a huge ol' hippo. He was so cool. But I think he was bored. I sure wasn't though.

I did a pretty good job in my stroller but I held Mommy's hand most of the time that I walked around. I started to want to run around, and Mommy's friend, Chrissie, let me borrow her monkey backpack for awhile. It was so cool! I wore it like a backpack and got to run all over, but never out of reach of the monkey's tail...which Mommy held onto. My Mom was laughing because she used to make fun of people who had "leashes" for their kids. Now she understands why!!! I'm a crazy-runner-kid! : )

We got home mid-afternoon and I tried to take a nap. However, the 11 minute snooze I took in the car helped me along enough that I didn't sleep in my crib. Just played for an hour. After my non-nap, Daddy, Mommy and I went to run in the park. It was so hot! And I was extremely talkative! Gosh, I ran my little mouth and laughed and giggled the whole car ride to and from the park...AND during the run. Mostly I screeched at the wind in my hair and face in the car. It was so fun. And funny too. That silly old wind!!!

Well, I have a big day of playing outside tomorrow so I'm going to bed now. I love you guys!

Good night, Hippo! Don't be bored or sad!
Love, TJ


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oink. Oink. Moo. Moo.

Today was a BUSY day! I read 90 stories with Mommy this morning (actually, it was 3 books that I wanted her to read 30 times each) before going to storytime at the library with Alexia and Kate. Instead of wandering around and swiping other people's keys and purses like I usually do, I sat on my Mommy's lap nearly the whole time. Yep, I didn't feel like being a criminal. I just felt like eating little goldfish crackers listening to stories about animals.

My friends Brad and Esther brought me a book called Peek-A-Moo when they visited. It is now one of my favorites!!! I love to say "Mooo" when I see the cow. I try really hard to make it sound right, but it just comes out as "Meeeee" and I clench my teeth when I say it. It's very cute. I also make a piggy sound when I see the pig. I don't say "oink". I actually MAKE the noise and scrunch up my nose when I do it.

After lunch and a nap, Mommy and I ran some errands and then went to the park to run on the trails. It was 73 degrees out and beautiful so when we got home, we played outside for an hour before dinner. Whew. I fell asleep so fast after dinner, it was crazy!

Daddy is in Knoxville today. I missed him a lot. A whole lot! I'll see him in the morning though because he gets to come home early. Hooray! But I won't see him for long because Mommy and I are off to the zoo with our friends bright and early. I can't wait!!! Last time I was there, I went with Tenley and Mommy and I LOVED the monkeys. I hope they're loud again tomorrow!

Gotta get some sleep.

G'nite! Love, TJ


Monday, April 7, 2008

What did I do this weekend???

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit me this weekend (oh, and my parents too) and we had a great time. What exactly did we do? Well, let me show you with pictures. Lots of them. (You may want to read my "Coke" blog first...and work your way up to this one. It's a long one!) Here's what I did:

Watched Mommy open birthday presents.

Fed my sand excavator a hot dog.

Carried my sit and spin around....before realizing that you're supposed to SIT and SPIN on it.

Ate some bread at Longhorn.

Went to a car show with Grandma and Grandpa.

Sat on my sit and spin.

Took a break.

Wore my Berea High hat.

Rode my lion.

Read a book with Grandpa.

Read a book with Daddy while I pooped.

Whew! Time for bed. I had a great, fun weekend! G'nite!

Love, TJ-Bigglesworth


Who Needs A Dog?

Who needs a dog for a pet when you have ... a Coke can?

Mommy bought a 12-pack of Coke for Grandpa and Daddy to drink this week. Well, I tore off the cardboard to get out a single can...and that single can of Coke became my buddy for a day. I was so gentle with my buddy that Mommy suppressed her fear of it exploding all over the carpet...and let me have my fun.

I read to my can of Coke.

I made my can of Coke take a nap.

I helped my can of Coke look out the window.

I kissed my can of Coke. And I pretended to drink my can of Coke.

I pretty much loved my can of Coke all day, and then it went in the fridge to be enjoyed later. I forgot about it after that.

Love, TJ

(p.s. No cans of Coke were harmed in the making of this blog.)


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