Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Love at First Sight

I fell in love today...with a puppy named Trouble.

How did it all happen so quickly, you ask? Let me tell you. After storytime, Mommy and Grammie took me to the park. I was excited to play on the slides and swings and dig in the dirt. But moments after we got there, I saw her. And since that moment, I've thought of nothing else.

Oooooh! Ooooooh! OOOOOH! I exclaimed! Little Trouble must've sensed my excitement. She came right over and tackled me. I loved it! I even got to hold her leash (the little 4-year old who was "in charge of her" at the time, just gave me the leash and ran to the monkey bars....hmmm). We romped in the grass, she scrached my arms (with love) and I giggled like crazy.

Oh you see how cute I am with this doggie? If I get a paper route and show you I'm responsible...can I have one? Huh? Huh? Can I have a doggie?

Pretty soon, Trouble's real mom came over and took her away. I was sad, but I didn't cry. I'm a brave little guy. Mommy, Grammie and I played on the swings and slides and found cool rocks.

I got a Frosty after the playground...and it helped me forget how much I miss Trouble.

Perhaps someday I'll see her again. Or find another Trouble who is right for me.

Love, Puppy-lovin' TJ : )


Amie April 23, 2008 at 2:45 PM  

TJ, you are so good with Trouble because of all of yor practice with your pet Coke Can. Baby Steps, right?

Good luck getting a Trouble of your own :)

Big Hugs,
Amie and Jackson

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