Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nothing Really...

Ta-da! This morning, I waltzed right in to my nursery classroom without so much as a wave bye-bye to my Mommy. I did not scream. I did not cry. I did not fuss. I just gave my Mommy a kiss and walked through that door like a big boy. And I played HARD! Right now, I'm going on hour two of my nap. Hoorah!

Mommy asks me to say "baby" a lot lately because I say it so sweetly. Bay-bee. With an emphasis on "bay". I say it with a hush and point at little kids (even pictures on the fridge).

I also say Nonny (my Mommy's grandma ... whom she calls Nonny), GG (my Mommy's other grandma), Moo (for Pooh bear), Up-a (when I want to be picked up), and a few other things I just can't think of right now.

I guess that's it. Just checkin' in. Have a good day, everybody!

Love, TJ


Grammie April 16, 2008 at 1:34 PM  

Dear TJ,

Sure does look like you look forward to playing with your friends, or at least with their toys while they are all around you. Good for you. Bet that makes your mommy happy.

love you, Grammie

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