It's A Jungle Out There!
As promised, Mommy and I got up early (sort of) this morning and drove to Columbia with our friends Alexia and Kate to have a fun day at the zoo! We met even more of our friends there and had an awesome time looking at all the animals!
Our first stop was the penguins. Once I got over their smell (sniff sniff), I realized that I don't like penguins much. They're kinda scary when they swim close to the glass and look at me funny. Mommy was all excited when they swam over, but I got a big frown on my face and she scooted me outta there pretty quickly. After that, we saw sea lions and gorillas (running and beating their chests! wow!) and giraffes and a huge ol' hippo. He was so cool. But I think he was bored. I sure wasn't though.I did a pretty good job in my stroller but I held Mommy's hand most of the time that I walked around. I started to want to run around, and Mommy's friend, Chrissie, let me borrow her monkey backpack for awhile. It was so cool! I wore it like a backpack and got to run all over, but never out of reach of the monkey's tail...which Mommy held onto. My Mom was laughing because she used to make fun of people who had "leashes" for their kids. Now she understands why!!! I'm a crazy-runner-kid! : )
We got home mid-afternoon and I tried to take a nap. However, the 11 minute snooze I took in the car helped me along enough that I didn't sleep in my crib. Just played for an hour. After my non-nap, Daddy, Mommy and I went to run in the park. It was so hot! And I was extremely talkative! Gosh, I ran my little mouth and laughed and giggled the whole car ride to and from the park...AND during the run. Mostly I screeched at the wind in my hair and face in the car. It was so fun. And funny too. That silly old wind!!!
Well, I have a big day of playing outside tomorrow so I'm going to bed now. I love you guys!
Good night, Hippo! Don't be bored or sad!
Love, TJ
We had fun at the zoo with you, TJ! Those monkeys were something else! We'll have to go again sometime!
Gee, TJ, I wonder why you're a "crazy-runner kid" ?!!!
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