Auntie Em! Auntie Em!
Okay, so I don't have an Auntie Em...but it is so COLD and WINDY here today that I feel like I'm in the Wizard of Oz...and it literally sounds like our house is going to blow away! The windows are screeching, the walls feel like they're about to cave in and we're a second away from moving back to Charlotte while STILL in our house! Yikes!
Let me also add that it is currently 1 degree here in Berea, Ohio. Yep, you read it correctly. It is ONE DEGREE here in the great state of Ohio. You can't walk outside without catching your breath and freezing your eyelashes off. It's what I call "toad"... or cold. Our friends in Charlotte have kindly told us that it's been in the high 60s and low 70s lately. Brilliant.I need to note here that I'm counting to 3 and like to say "two eyes! two eyes on snowman" without being prompted. I like to say "I see ball! I see reindeer!" when we drive around and see all the twinkling lights and things. I am getting back into my normal bedtime mode and Mommy hopes it lasts. She likes when I'm happy! I do wonder where she goes when I sleep...and when I wake up, I call for her and boisterously say "Mommyyyyy! Way ahhh you????" (Mommy, where are you?) She comes and gets me pretty soon after she hears that.
Well, I just wanted to tell you how cold it is here. I'll write more tomorrow...
Love, Toad TJ
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