Saturday, December 27, 2008

I Finally Look Like Mommy!

I got these glasses at a party with my friends in Charlotte. I've worn them before - several times. But today was a special day. I wore the glasses while I read in my chair by myself for 15 minutes...without moving. Then I wore them while I played with my trucks and cars. And continued to wear them through dinner. I got ketchup on my plastic nose and laughed. It was so funny!

I forgot to put this picture on my Christmas blog. I have a thing for nativity scenes. At Bondi's and Grandma's and Mommy's houses. I talk about how "Baby Desus is seeping" and I put barnyard animals cars in with the wise men. Note the "hot tot-ter" on the top of the roof.
Seriously, how adorable is this picture!? Mommy took about 75 pictures of Daddy and me playing video games. I love to push the buttons. Uh Paul and Aunt CC brought it over the other night to play and I couldn't stop goin' for the buttons!


Amie December 29, 2008 at 3:05 PM  

Loving your new Christmas haircut TJ! Let's get together soon and have a playdate, ok?

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