Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter snow in the new back yard...

Today, Mommy and I went out to play in the snow. It took about 40 minutes for her to get me dressed in my "so pee-ants" (snow pants) and everything else. (Lots of times, I wander around and play while she's dressing me.) Then she got dressed up for the cold and we went out to explore our new yard. There's a little swingset and slide in our new yard and I went straight for it...dragging my feet as I went. I just LOVE to kick the snow and "watch it" fall over my boots.

I went on the baby swing. Then the big boy swing. And then climbed the climbing wall to the slide and went down fast! My snow pants on the plastic slide made for a really fast ride and I did it a few times. I landed flat on my back in the snow and there was NO way I could get up by myself. "Hope! Hope!" I had to call out for help because I was dressed in so many layers. Mommy had to laugh before she helped me up. Nice, Mom. Nice.

Then we went over to play with cars and trucks on the steps of the back deck. I lined up all the cars and trucks just like I do inside. Then I stacked them until they fell. I played hard for nearly an hour with Mommy. We took a walk around the yard and looked at footprints and through the fence at the neighbor's yard. I didn't talk a whole lot because I was working so hard. I asked for a "kee-nux" for my nose a few times and pointed at a squirrels because I wanted to "tut-ch 'em".

When we went inside, I cried but got over it pretty quickly when I got a cookie.

I still say "day du" all the time so my polite nature is going strong. I say 'no' a lot still but I've added a twist and say "no, day du" a lot too. It's actually worked quite a few times for me. I'm not sure why I say "sowwy" so much...gonna have to figure that one out.

Yesterday morning, I had so much fun playing in the bathroom sink while Mommy got ready for the day. She washed her face - so I washed mine too. Then she was putting makeup on, so I washed the wall. I colored on the window with a wet Q-tip and then brushed my teeth without any help. We're loving the double sinks in the bathroom. Woohoo!

I have a BIG story for you tomorrow, but Mommy wants to post a picture with it so you'll have to wait til tomorrow. Love, TJ


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