Santa and Buzz
I went to a pancake breakfast at my Mommy's old high school this weekend. Her PawPaw used to sell tickets for it every year. PawPaw would have been very proud of how I acted. When Daddy asked if I wanted to see Santa, I said "yes". And when we walked over to him, he asked me again if I wanted to sit on his lap. I said "yes". And then I did it. I actually walked up to him...sat on his lap, studied his face, smiled for a few pictures, and then got my Slinky and left. My Mom's mouth was on the ground the whole time. She could not believe how brave I was. I'm gonna have to find last year's picture...just to remind you all of how much I did not like the man in the red suit at that time. Shoot, I was just a baby then.
The picture of last year is at the kitchen sink here in the new house. Every time Mommy washes my hands in that sink, I look over at the picture and say "Bebe" or "TJ" and then I say "ky-ing". Mommy laughs and says yep, but that I'm a big boy now. "Be boi", I say. Cuz I am.
Buh White-ear is my new favorite character to name. I think Buzz Lightyear is so cool, but not as cool as You-ey (Woody). It's funny, Mommy and Daddy just put two and two together and discovered that I say "to wescue" (to the rescue) and "ahmbee-and" (and beyond) just like the movie too. Mommy kept thinking I was saying armband and didn't know why I was talking about an armband. Duh, I was saying to infinite and beyond!
Okay, that's enough of my chatter. Love you all, TJ
Hi Sweetie,
Grandma loved your Santa picture! I put out last years picture as part of our decorations. I have to replace it with the new one.
See you soon!
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