Hot Stuff!
Searching for something...
Angelic pose...
Tough Guy pose...
My Daddy is the best! He makes my Mommy cry. Why is that good? I'll tell you...My Mommy and Daddy were away from each other for a long time. And they were both lonely for each other. Gross, right? Well, I don't understand girls liking boys and boys liking girls yet so it's gross to me so far. I digress...Anyhow, when my Dad picked us up from the airport, he told us again about what he did to my room. But he didn't tell many details...he kept building up the suspense. Mommy was excited but had no idea what it was going to look like. She had an idea from what the colors were (they picked them out together) but that was it.
So, when we got home, Daddy made Mommy close her eyes and she stood in the middle of the room until he said "okay"!!! When she opened them, her jaw dropped and her heart stopped and then she cried. She literally CRIED! My room was transformed into a KID heaven for me! Just take a look at the pictures. My Daddy is amazing! Can you believe he did this whole room perfectly in less than a few hours of work? Wow.
You really have to see it in person. It's the best room in the house! AND IT's MINE! All mine!!!
Needless to say, Mommy and I play in there a lot more than we used to. Yeah Daddy!
I had a little bit of a hard time adjusting to being away from home, and now I'm having a hard time adjusting to being home. I'm used to my Grammie rocking me and putting me to bed and now that my Mommy is doing it again, well, it's just not the same. Oh well, I guess I like my Mommy well enough. Um, when are we going back to Cleveland? I miss all my Grandparents. They love me and I can tell.
love, tj
I got to see my Grandmas and Grandpas and Aunts and Uncles a few days back. It was WONDERFUL! I was still working on bringing in my 3rd tooth fully, so I was a bit crabby but I was still awfully lovable. When I went to my Grandma B's and Grandpa B's, Vader licked my face and I cried. I'm not sure why...I was being silly, but I'm over it now. I promise not to cry next time. He was just a lot bigger than Scooter. Now I know him...and I'll grab at his fur next time just like I do Scooter's.
Speaking of Scooter, I pulled out a bunch of eye hairs on his face today, and he whined and ran to Mommy and kissed her and kissed her. I didn't mean to hurt him, and I think it was funny that he ran to Mommy for protection. Awwww. Scooter and I played together a lot since I got home. It really is nice to have him as my friend. I think he'd agree. He brings his nasty, dirty ball to me every time I'm on the ground. Mommy HATES it but I love it. That dirty yellow ball is my favorite!I'm so close to crawling. Have I mentioned that lately? Soooo close. My Uncle Bill says that I have slippery knees and my Mommy loves that expression now. It's true though. I get up on my knees (sleep that way too) and then put one hand in front of the other...then flatten out and shake all over like a silly man. I'll get it soon though. Then Mommy and Daddy are IN FOR IT!
More stories later. Love you! TJ
Happy 8th Month Birthday To Me!This morning, Mommy and I took our usual walk...only this time, we stopped at Harris Teeter (the big grocery store down here) and I got a big green balloon. I fell in love with that balloon. Mommy loosely wrapped the string around my hand and I gripped it the whole time in the store. And the whole way home. And the whole time I ate my breakfast in the high chair. And a little bit afterward. Mommy said I was so cute just holding onto that balloon for dear life. I wasn't allowed to have it during my nap, of course. But I missed my balloon the whole time. Ahhh, I love you balloon.
For my special day, I got an afternoon of rest from teething! Since my new tooth broke through yesterday, I had last night to deal with (ouch) and then this afternoon became my most peaceful, mellow evening in a long time. I went to Target for some baby food, and even got Baby Mac and Cheese! (I haven't gotten to try it yet though). When we got home, I just sat and played with my Mommy. After dinner, my Daddy sat me in his lap and played Backyardigan ball with me. He was talking to "Fredo" while he was playing and I laughed every time he did. It was funny.
Along with flossing, I also seen in the picture! : ) G'nite my friends!
love, future-dentist-tj
Hi Guys! I am happy to report that I, TJ Budic, will not be wearing a helmet on my head anytime soon. My Mommy and Daddy took me to a CranialFacial Specialist and after a long wait (1 1/2 hours in the waiting room), we had my consultation. The doctor was great and super intelligent. Mommy was skeptical until she read all about his background and what he's done to help little kids with problems. Even in the Middle East and India! Anyhow, it would be more cosmetic than anything for me to get a helmet. So what if my ears are crooked and I need braces on my teeth or something later. In the meantime, Mommy and Daddy are going to keep close track of my head and it's growth, and we'll go from there.
The best news??? NO potential BRAIN COMPLICATIONS or DEVELOPMENTAL issues. That news got Mommy to cry out of happiness. (To be honest, it doesn't take much with her) I guess that's why I haven't written in a few days. I've been taking care of Mommy by letting her squeeze me all day long. Can't I get a moment to myself? Haha. Just kidding, Momma!
Well, I'll be adding pictures to my next blog. Look out...there are some CUTE ones comin' up!
I've missed you all! love, tj
Hello Sports Fans! Today, I won my first trophy!!! It is a beautiful golden trophy that is sitting on my dresser as we speak. My Daddy pushed me in the babyjogger a good deal further than the typical 3.1 miles that a 5k race should was more like 3.2. Don't laugh at my precision. That makes a big difference when pushing a fat little munchkin in a stroller. Seriously! But anyway, my Daddy hit the 3.1 mark in 16:46. Not bad for an old man! I was truly proud to be riding in his buggy. ( a little British talk I learned from our new friends ) We got 5th overall and I got a little American flag to hold at the end!!!
Now that I've told you the ending, let me start from the beginning. My Mommy and I took a short drive to the town of Matthews where Daddy was registering for the race. We got there in time for my warm up...which consisted of Mommy dressing me snugly for a cool morning jog. I got settled in my babyjogger and I got a pep talk from Mommy. "Just hold on tight on those corners!" she kept saying. "And open your eyes once in awhile!" (I tend to shut them or blink real hard when I'm unsure about things). Then, Daddy came around the corner from his warm-up and we posed for a few thousand pictures. (my Mommy is nuts with that dang camera) When we toed the line, I gave a big ol' smile and we were off! Daddy said I made a sweet little sighing noise around mile 2 and then we were at the finish! Just like that! It was so AWESOME!
Don't tell Mommy I said this to you, but she cried during the race. Yep, she told me she did! She was standing there at the mile mark when her two boys came around the corner together and after she yelled "GO TIM! GO TJ!" , she cried. Well, after she took another picture, that is. Anyway, she told me that while Daddy went up to get our trophy. Which, again, is in my room.
God Bless America!
I love this country and I love all of you!
love, tj the athlete
Mommy and I saw a HUGE bug today on our morning walk. It was enormous! I'm pretty sure it was a cockroach, but Mommy said people around here call them Palmetto Bugs. I like the sound of that better. She does too. Actually, who cares what they're called ... as long as they're not in our house. Right?
It's official. We are painting my room light green with primary color blue and green accents. It's gonna be sweet! I even have a Cleveland Indians corner. I'll have to take a picture and show you when it's done. My Daddy thinks of a project and then rolls with it pretty quickly so it'll be done in a flash.I love the floor. I had so much playtime on it today. I just wanted to "army crawl" around the blankie to play with each one of my toys. Usually, I let my Mommy know when I'm done. But today, she had to pick me up and tell me it was time to eat. Wow. I got carried away with this playin' stuff!
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