Slippery Knees
I got to see my Grandmas and Grandpas and Aunts and Uncles a few days back. It was WONDERFUL! I was still working on bringing in my 3rd tooth fully, so I was a bit crabby but I was still awfully lovable. When I went to my Grandma B's and Grandpa B's, Vader licked my face and I cried. I'm not sure why...I was being silly, but I'm over it now. I promise not to cry next time. He was just a lot bigger than Scooter. Now I know him...and I'll grab at his fur next time just like I do Scooter's.
Speaking of Scooter, I pulled out a bunch of eye hairs on his face today, and he whined and ran to Mommy and kissed her and kissed her. I didn't mean to hurt him, and I think it was funny that he ran to Mommy for protection. Awwww. Scooter and I played together a lot since I got home. It really is nice to have him as my friend. I think he'd agree. He brings his nasty, dirty ball to me every time I'm on the ground. Mommy HATES it but I love it. That dirty yellow ball is my favorite!I'm so close to crawling. Have I mentioned that lately? Soooo close. My Uncle Bill says that I have slippery knees and my Mommy loves that expression now. It's true though. I get up on my knees (sleep that way too) and then put one hand in front of the other...then flatten out and shake all over like a silly man. I'll get it soon though. Then Mommy and Daddy are IN FOR IT!
More stories later. Love you! TJ
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