Thursday, July 26, 2007

I buy it for the articles...

I forgot to tell you about going for a bike ride!!! The carrier attached to my Poppy's bike is a perfect fit for me...or will be in a little while when I am a bit stronger. Anyways, Lucy and Cameron get to ride in it and I did too. Do I look like a cool guy or what!? These pics inspired my Mommy and Daddy to get bikes next summer. They want to take me for bike rides eventually. I'm cool with that!

Did I tell you that I have a job on the side as an elf? Hahaha. My Daddy loves this picture...

Spaghetti is my new favorite food! You should see me with a big red mouthful of it. I make a huge mess! It's a new texture and taste so I was pretty timid about eating it at first...but it didn't take long. I even chew up the little teeny noodles like a good boy.

By the way, Cosmopolitan is my new favorite reading material. You can learn so much about women in those magazines! : ) I'm way ahead of myself, aren't I! My Grandma and Auntie Melissa let me look at their issues. I was very interested in the content...
Love, TJ


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