Wednesday, July 4, 2007

My First Trophy

Hello Sports Fans! Today, I won my first trophy!!! It is a beautiful golden trophy that is sitting on my dresser as we speak. My Daddy pushed me in the babyjogger a good deal further than the typical 3.1 miles that a 5k race should was more like 3.2. Don't laugh at my precision. That makes a big difference when pushing a fat little munchkin in a stroller. Seriously! But anyway, my Daddy hit the 3.1 mark in 16:46. Not bad for an old man! I was truly proud to be riding in his buggy. ( a little British talk I learned from our new friends ) We got 5th overall and I got a little American flag to hold at the end!!!

Now that I've told you the ending, let me start from the beginning. My Mommy and I took a short drive to the town of Matthews where Daddy was registering for the race. We got there in time for my warm up...which consisted of Mommy dressing me snugly for a cool morning jog. I got settled in my babyjogger and I got a pep talk from Mommy. "Just hold on tight on those corners!" she kept saying. "And open your eyes once in awhile!" (I tend to shut them or blink real hard when I'm unsure about things). Then, Daddy came around the corner from his warm-up and we posed for a few thousand pictures. (my Mommy is nuts with that dang camera) When we toed the line, I gave a big ol' smile and we were off! Daddy said I made a sweet little sighing noise around mile 2 and then we were at the finish! Just like that! It was so AWESOME!

Don't tell Mommy I said this to you, but she cried during the race. Yep, she told me she did! She was standing there at the mile mark when her two boys came around the corner together and after she yelled "GO TIM! GO TJ!" , she cried. Well, after she took another picture, that is. Anyway, she told me that while Daddy went up to get our trophy. Which, again, is in my room.

God Bless America!

I love this country and I love all of you!

love, tj the athlete


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