Saturday, December 8, 2007

Bragging Rights

I truly hate to do this to those of you reading this in Cleveland, Chicago, Colorado Springs or any other cold, cold place on Earth. Here in Charlotte, it is currently 69 degrees...quite warm. The weather thingy on our computer says that it will be 78, 76, and 77 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. Not bad. Not bad at all. Enough about the weather, let's get to the good stuff...

My Daddy and Uncle Bill had a conversation about flying monkeys last week. (Don't ask) Well, I have become a monkey myself. I don't fly, but OH do I climb! Yesterday, Mommy and I were playing in our living room when she needed to run upstairs to get something. She was only gone for a second...but I saw that as my opportunity for greatness. The minute she disappeared, I scrambled over to my toy bin (which is really a large foot rest with a comfy cover on it) by the window. It wasn't open, so I climbed on top of it and proceeded to grab the curtain holder-backer (what the heck are those things called?) and dangled from it until Mommy came down...4 seconds later. When she didn't see my where I had been a second earlier, she freaked inside and then she saw me. Hanging from the curtains. Instead of gasping, she held in her fright ... afraid that startling me would make me let go and fall on the floor. Instead, she charged in slow motion toward me and lifted me off the curtain holder-backer thing.

Yes, I had achieved greatness. However, I got in big trouble. I got the finger pointed at me, a little "no, TJ, that's baaaad" and then we were done with it. When the scolding was over, Mommy put me down on the floor again and what was the first thing I did? I went right for the curtains again. Needless to say, the toy bin is no longer under the window. My Mommy ain't no fun.

I had fun being a monkey for a moment though!

Love, TJ ooo ooo ahhh ahhh ahhh!


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