Tuesday, December 11, 2007

C'mon Daddy, be a man!

Mommy made Daddy and me ravioli for lunch today. For our vegetable, she sliced up some zucchini and cooked it with some butter. Mmmm. I really liked mine and ate it up! When Daddy came downstairs and saw his beautiful plate of pasta, he said "oooh!". Until....he saw the zucchini off to the side. At that point, he made a funny face and said "what is THAT!?"

Mommy "made" Daddy try it. He actually gagged and had a very hard time swallowing the vegetable. After 2 bites of it, he asked if the nutrition contents were the same if he swallowed it whole instead of chewing. Mommy said "forget it" and she ate it instead. Dad, seriously, be a man and eat your veggies!!! Grandma: Did Daddy always have such a hard time eating his vegetables?

That's all the poking fun at Daddy that I'll do today. He is the best example for me in every other way and Mommy is proud of him for that. We're going running as a family again today. It may be our last family run for a few months. Mommy and I are leaving on Thursday for Cleveland. After Mommy gets home from the hospital, she'll be on crutches for 4 weeks. She's excited (enter sarcasm here) to take care of me while on crutches. At least she'll have her Mommy while we're in Cleveland for awhile.

Well, more to write later. Love you! TJ


tjsgrandma December 12, 2007 at 5:06 PM  

Hi Sweetie,

Your Dad does eat some veggies but definitely NOT ZUCCHINI!!!

We got your Christms card today.

We Love it!!! You're too adorable!!!


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