Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tic Tac anyone?

My Mommy is the BEST! She bought me a pack of Tic Tacs today at the store and I have been carrying them around all day. I crawl with them, shake them, throw them, hide them, find them, and laugh at them. They're not opened - so don't worry. Mommy even put tape around the part you're supposed to open. But why would I want to do that? It'd ruin all the fun!

I can't believe that it's snowing in Ohio. Today, it was 61 degrees here in Charlotte, and the breeze felt so good. Yesterday I had to wear a hat during our walk because it was so windy and Mommy didn't want my little ears to get cold. But no hats next week! It's gonna be 71 degrees for four days in a row. Yippee! I am definitely looking forward to seeing snow when we go to Ohio though. Maybe I can go for a sled ride or make a snowball. Hey, I might even be able to catch a snowflake on my tongue. Mmmm.

Our garage smells like poopy diapers. We can't wait for garbage day!!!!!!

Love, Stinky TJ


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