I’m baaaaaack!
Mommy had her surgery on the 17th and it went really well. Dr. Parker at the Cleveland Clinic is amazing! He’s done all 4 of Mommy’s surgeries and she trusts him completely. He’s such an awesome man too. Mommy and Daddy actually considered Parker as a name for me…that says a lot about the guy, eh? And no, he does not have red hair. Hahaha.
Mommy was on crutches for 10 days and today she went without them completely. She is so happy about that. Originally, Dr. Parker said it’d be about 4 weeks before she could walk without crutches, but he didn’t have to do the microfracture part of the surgery like he thought he might…so her recovery time is much quicker. Yippee for that! She can get on the floor and play with me again finally. I missed that!
Thank goodness for my Grammie and my Daddy who took awesome care of me and of Mommy while she was healing up in Berea. Mommy has had great help everywhere she’s gone! Grandpa helped her put her shoes on and chased me around the house and tickled me, Grandma made me dinner and watched over me, Auntie Melissa let me slap her in the face a bunch of times and played tons with me too. Uncle Bill made sure I got some toys instead of all clothes for Christmas and he carried me around too. My Uncle Paul and Aunt Carey had fun with me too so my Mommy could take naps here and there while she healed. My Poppy took me for winter walks a few times. I got all bundled up and we walked to Dick’s Bakery for cookies. And my Uncle Ben came to see me a lot which meant the world to me! He even skipped class (shhhh!) to come visit me. I went to his basketball game at Rocky River (he’s a coach!) and he was proud to have me there. I loved all that!
Well, I’m still in Ohio for a few more hours until we make the 8 hour drive back home to Charlotte. I have loved every minute of my vacation here. Seriously, I have been a very, very good boy.
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