Yo Joe!

We took a great trip to Raleigh this weekend for a wedding. Remember me getting all excited about it? Well, the trip down was a little rough. I played with my feet for awhile and watched movies which kept me happy. But after watching Muppets in Space twice, my butt got tired of sitting. And I just didn't feel like being in a carseat anymore. I kinda let my Mommy and Daddy know it.
The plan was to change into our dress clothes at the hotel after checking in...and then rush over to the ceremony and the reception that followed. Well, it was a true southern wedding. Beatiful weather (84 degrees!), green grass, white chairs, red rose petals, bubbling brooks, and more! We pulled in the parking lot JUST in time to see the bride walk down the aisle...oops! Yes, we pulled in 2 minutes late so we had to sneak in behind the bride after she was down the aisle. Mommy, Daddy and I sat down next to our friends Brad, Esther and Jason. I got antsy about 35 seconds in, so Daddy took me to play in the garden while Mommy enjoyed the ceremony.
After a few photo ops, we went into the hall for the reception. I ate some cheese and fruit, and then decided to whine, screech and become jello-tj...and wiggle all over the place. Mommy and Daddy had a hard time "controlling me" and the beautiful reception hall was no place for me. So, before the bride and groom and most guests even came in, Mommy and I left. Daddy drove us to pick up some dinner and helped us get settled in the hotel. Then he went back to the reception so he could hang out with his friends and enjoy his good friend's wedding.
Mommy and I played in the room for awhile and I LOVED being able to play with the phone and chairs and mirror without being stopped. Mommy and I even jumped on the bed a lot!!! It was great. We ate some mac-n-cheese and cheetos (the best dinner ever!) and by 6:45, I was rubbing my eyes bigtime. So, Mommy closed the drapes to make it pitch dark, got me some milk and over a short amount of time, I fell asleep on her. She cuddled me for awhile, then put me in the Sesame Street portable crib the Hampton Inn so kindly provided. It was so dark in that room, and was only 7pm...What was a Mommy to do? Well, for fear of waking me up in the little room, Mommy huddled on the bed from 7pm until Daddy came back around midnight. She dozed a few times after 10pm or so, but mostly just sat in the dark and texted Grammie and Daddy. Daddy did a great job of keeping in touch with Mommy and stuff. At one point, Mommy got daring and went into the bathroom...scared to death she'd wake me up while opening the door. Once inside, she played with her makeup and did some pushups, washed her face, then went back into the dark room and just waited for Daddy to come home.
I was the perfect kid and slept from 7pm until 7am in a strange bed, in a strange room. How cool am I??? Of course, Mommy had no idea I'd be this good which is why she didn't want to attempt turning on the tv or anything.
Well, that was my wedding weekend. The next wedding I go to will be my Mommy's cousin's wedding. Lynn is getting married at the end of May. And then my Aunt Carey is marrying my Uncle Paul at the end of June. I am IN that wedding. I can't wait!!!!
Love, TJ Stinkerpants
I'd just like to say thank you to PublishAmerica for not printing any books (including my Mommy's) in any other country but the U.S.! Daddy looked through all my books last night and saw that nearly ALL were printed China and the remaining were printed in Mexico.
I love you, USA! love, tj
I learned to play Wii this weekend!!! Daddy and Shane were playing golf and bowling and I felt left out. So, Grammie found me a kitchen utensil that looked like the Wii controller...and I used it like the real thing. I am a great imitator! Watch me!!!
As I write this at 10:19pm, it is 63 degrees outside. It was 75 as a high today and I played outside all day long with Mommy. Daddy came out after work and we all played kickball and football and "put rocks in a basket" until dinnertime. It was great! But enough about today, I gotta backtrack and tell you all about Easter!
Shane came into town to visit us late Thursday night. On Saturday, well, that's when all the fun happened. We went to an Easter Eggstravaganza in the park. It was awesome! They had blow-up slides and pirate rides and all sorts of games. We didn't wait in the Easter Egg Hunt line because there were literally about 1,000 people in line. And I didn't really care about hunting for eggs anyhow.
Mommy and I rode on a pirate ride and I was pretty serious during the whole thing. I was concentrating on it...so I didn't smile much. But I did have fun. Serious fun.
Here I am, on the way home from an Easter Egg party in the park...just groovin' to the music. I love to dance...even if I'm confined in my carseat. Happy Easter, everybody!!!
Love, TJ-mix-a-lot
Don't mess with your monitors folks, the grass in our backyard REALLY IS this green! It was my first real day of playing in my own backyard. I was out there with my Daddy for a long time.
Mommy watched us playing and snapped a bunch of cute pictures. Some of her favorites! (she says that every time though)I can't wait for the Easter Bunny to come. I don't remember Easter last year but I don't think I got to eat goodies way back then. This year, I might get to taste a few!
I'll post more pictures of our outdoor adventures tomorrow. But I am writing this while sleeping so I'm outta here for now.
I love you Easter Bunny! love, TJ
(notice how my Daddy and I have our right leg up at the same time...we're in tune with each other, don't you think???)
And so it has begun...
Today I had a lot of fun reading new books and playing in my crib before I took my nap. I whined a little bit before I fell asleep (as usual) and then I was quiet. When Mommy came to check on me, she busted out laughing and ran to get my Daddy. Why, you ask? Well, because I was fast asleep with my butt in the air...but no shirt to be found. Yes, in the midst of playing I decided to strip. This is the picture she took when I woke up and called for her. (She found my shirt in the trash can by my changing table) Oh boy, Mommy sure hopes I forget how to undress myself!!! (As you can see in the 2nd photo, I tried to pull my diaper off too...my Grammie warned Mommy that this might happen. Yikes!)By the way, I have 4 new teeth poking through my gums...and 2 more trying to do the same. Ouch!
I love you all!
love, TJ
I have a new "thing" that I do. I blow kisses! But...I've got the coordinates a little messed up. Instead of blowing kisses from my mouth, I blow them from my ear. Kinda silly, huh! I try my best and I give a cute little grin while I do it, but I go to my ear each time. At small group on Sunday, I got a little closer and smacked my eye. One of these days I'll use my mouth!
Well, hello there! I am playing with my trusty remote control in this picture. I have this elated look on my face because I just lovvvvve my remote control with all my might. I am also singing "dadadada" at the top of my lungs in this picture. I can do many things at once! Have I told you that I can say "bubble" now? It comes out "bubmm" but Mommy and Daddy know what I mean. Cool, huh!
Mommy graduated from physical therapy! She was so happy...but her therapist said her right quad is still only 50% of the left quad, so she has a lot of strengthening to do. Either way, she's able to run 3 or so miles every day or so...and she takes me with her...so she's happy. But not content with that...just for now.
(This picture is Mommy's favorite of me...she calls it my Curious George picture. Well, Grandma and Grandpa played around on the computer and look how cute I am with the real Curious George!!!)
Last night Mommy got pretty sick and I didn't get to see her for awhile. Daddy took care of me and when Mommy came downstairs, I hugged her and patted her arm. She melted when I did that. Daddy did too. I am a very loving little boy.
I'm also a very energetic little boy! Daddy and Mommy took me to Freedom Park today and ran with me in the babyjogger. Daddy did his workout then while Mommy and I played on the playground and went on the slides and swings. My favorite part was looking at the big "choo choo" train. It was so cool. Mulch is so fun to play with also! It's kinda stinky though. Maybe that's why I like it!!!
Oh, and since coming back from Cleveland, 3 more teeth have popped through. That makes a grand total of 13 teeth in my little mouth. Hoorah! : )
love, TJ Bojangles
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