My Daddy - The Hero
My Daddy is my hero. He is away for work right now and I miss him a lot. I'm sleeping in my safe little crib right now, but I miss him still.
After he finishes his appointments and work in Florida, he's gonna run a big, important race down there. He's an invited runner, so he even gets his name on his bib number. So cool! Does that mean it says "Daddy" in really big letters? Good luck, Daddy. You're my favorite Daddy ever!!!
Today, I tried to catch the wind in my hands. Mommy was driving with all the windows down this afternoon and I was laughing. She looked back to see what I was laughing at, and she saw the wind blowing through my hair and I was giggling about it, and slapping my hair gently...trying to catch the wind. She wishes you could've seen it!
On the Today Show, they talked about Momnesia and how being a mom can make you forgetful and things like that. Boy, my Mommy sure has that. She forgets things easily and can't even finish her sentences sometimes. She gets frustrated so it was nice to hear that it happens to lots of mommies out there. They said the average woman loses at least 700 hours of sleep during the first year of their child's life. Wow. That's a lot of sleep to lose. No wonder it makes you forgetful!
I love everybody!!! Love, TJ-the-snuggler
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