Monday, March 17, 2008

Naked Man!

And so it has begun...

Today I had a lot of fun reading new books and playing in my crib before I took my nap. I whined a little bit before I fell asleep (as usual) and then I was quiet. When Mommy came to check on me, she busted out laughing and ran to get my Daddy. Why, you ask? Well, because I was fast asleep with my butt in the air...but no shirt to be found. Yes, in the midst of playing I decided to strip. This is the picture she took when I woke up and called for her. (She found my shirt in the trash can by my changing table) Oh boy, Mommy sure hopes I forget how to undress myself!!! (As you can see in the 2nd photo, I tried to pull my diaper off Grammie warned Mommy that this might happen. Yikes!)

By the way, I have 4 new teeth poking through my gums...and 2 more trying to do the same. Ouch!

I love you all!

love, TJ


Grammie March 18, 2008 at 2:08 PM  


love, Grammie

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