Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Forgetful Jones

Mommy told me about a character that used to be on Sesame Street named Forgetful Jones. She was telling me about him because she's been extra forgetful lately! I'm sure you want an example, so I will risk the terrible embarrassment it will cause Mommy, and tell you. Today at lunchtime, Mommy made me a grilled cheese sandwich. One of my favorites! Well, she went to flip the sandwich and when she checked on the cheese in the middle, she saw that there was no cheese! Who forgets to put cheese on a grilled cheese sandwich???? My Mommy. The beautiful, orange American cheese slice was still sitting on the counter in all it's plastic-wrapped glory...all alone. But, she fixed the problem and it tasted as good as usual. Once the cheese melted, that is.

We were at the doctor's office yesterday and had to wait forever in the teeny tiny little room they have you in once the nurse has taken you back. So, we wore out the hallway carpet by going back and forth in my little stroller just to pass the time (and to keep me from getting into everything...including germs!) Mommy knew we'd get in trouble at any minute - and we did - but it killed a good 20 minutes of our wait. During that time, I became obsessed with the scale. I kept stepping on, and stepping off, stepping on, and stepping off. It read 25 lbs each time. Guess what! I weigh the most I've ever weighed! And guess what else! Mommy does too! : (
Alright, I think that's all I have the energy to write for now. Talk to you all later!

Love, TJ


Amie March 20, 2008 at 4:11 PM  

What a cool balloon you have TJ!! Jackson would be very jealous, he looooves balloons!

Have fun, buddy!

Your friends,
Amie and Jackson

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